Guilty or Innocent?

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I've been waiting for this song to be out for the longest! It's a good song! And I tried to make this as realistic as possible, I don't know much about court.

Song: I'm The Plug by Santo August

*Santo's POV*

Today is the court date, I'm nervous as hell. I know there is a 99.99999% chance I'm going to jail for two-three years. All the kids are coming with Yn, along with the family. I adjusted my tie, yes, they let me wear a suit today.

"August, let's go." The guard. Shit, I'm nervous. I walked over to him.

"All rise. The Court of Los Angles is now in session, the Honorable Judge Mathew presiding."

I stood up as the judge was entering the room, still nervous. I sat down as soon as everyone else did. Damn, I'm nervous!

"You may be seated." The bailiff announced. Have I mentioned I'm nervous?

"Prosecution introduce yourself." The judge instructs.

"Jordan Taylor of prosecution." A short woman introduces herself.

"James Jordan of prosecution." A tall man introduces.

"Stefan McDonald of prosecution." A slightly shorter man introduces.

"You may be seated. Defense, please introduce yourself."

"Michael Johnson of defense." My lawyer says.

"Morgan Stevenson of defense." My lawyer's assistant states.

"Prosecution, you may call your first witness." She starts. This is gonna be a long day.

-Four hours and two breaks later-

"And our last witness is Yn August." I didn't know my lawyer was going to question her. Why is he questioning her?

If she lies up there when prosecution gets to ask questions, she can go to jail if anyone finds out. Even if defense asks a question that she would have to lie to answer, that's lying and she could go to jail. My lawyer doesn't know everything, he just knows I sold drugs, nothing else.

"You do solemnly state that the testimony you may give in the case now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God."

"I do." Yn agrees.

"What is your relationship to Mr. August?" My lawyer asks.

"I'm his wife." Yn answers.

"Do you have any children with him?"


"How many?"


"Were you ever aware of any legal activities that he could have committed?" Why is he asking her this?

"No." What the hell is she doing?

"None at all?" He asks.

"Just from when we were younger. That's all I know of."

"Did he ever leave home at unusual times, or not come back at night?"


"And have you ever felt in danger around him? Or that your children were in danger?"


"Has anyone dangerous ever showed up?"


"Have your children ever been put in danger?"


"No further questions, your honor." My lawyer says. What did that do for anything?

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