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I know the song isn't really them, but keep reading. 8,000+ reads. Thank you so much!! I'm so excited! Anyway, here's the epilogue. Remember, part two will be in this same book.

*Yn POV*

"Santo, I'm running to the store real quick!" I yelled, putting my coat on.

"Okay, baby. Come gimme kiss 'fore you leave!" He yelled from upstairs.

I smiled and jogged upstairs, to the play room. Santo was playing the game with the kids, sitting in beanbag chairs. Well, they were all taking turns playing. They were playing Mario Carts and it's only a four player game. Santo was playing as Mario, CJ was baby Mario, of course, Trey was Toad and Aaliyah was Princess Peach. Prehia and Niya were sitting beside Santo, watching them. They had already had there turns. Az and Altereak were on play mats beside all of them, rolling around and grabbing at the toys hanging above them.

Santo had a royal blue beanbag, Prehia had a pink one, Niya had a purple one, CJ had a red one, Trey's was green, and Aaliyah's was yellow because she wanted a gold one but that was as close as we could get.

I leaned over Santo and kissed his lips. I know he is smiling. I pulled away and started walking, only for him to get up and follow me. It was his turn to give up the control, which meant he was probably taking a quick bathroom break.

"Baby, you wanna take one of the kids? I think Prehia wants to hang out with you." Santo told me. I nod.

"Yeah, I'll bring who ever wants to come." I said, walking back in the playroom.

"Be careful. I love you." Santo said, pecking my lips quickly.

"I love you too." I told him.

"Y'all watch your brothers while I'm in the bathroom. It's only gonna take a minute." Santo said, running to the bathroom. He thinks something will happen if the kids are left unsupervised.

"Anyone wanna come with me?" I asked. Prehia, Niya and Aaliyah jumped up.

"Me." They said in unison. I laughed and gestured for them to come with me.

"Alright, y'all wanna go in your pajamas, or you wanna get dressed?" I asked.

"Jamas." They answered. I smiled and instructed them to put on their Uggs.

Prehia had on pink Hello Kitty pajamas, with sparkly pink Uggs. Niya had on purple Chipettes (The female version of Alvin and the Chipmunks. I have no idea how to spell it.) with purple Uggs. And Aaliyah had on pink and purple Dora pajamas with gold Uggs. They really like those colors, if they get something that's the same as each other, they get it in those colors.

"Hold on, I gotta tell daddy I'm taking all three of you." I said, walking to the room I share with Santo.

"Babe, I'm taking the girls. Watch the boys." I said. I heard the water stop and he came out the bathroom, drying his hands.

"Okay, can you get some ice cream sundaes too? The ones from McDonalds, it's Saturday anyway and the kids did good in school this week." Santo said, talking me into it.

"Yeah, I'll be back in an hour." I said. He kissed me again and then smiled at me.

"You're amazing." He told me. I smiled at him.

"You are too." I said.

"I love you, be careful." Santo said, walking back to the playroom.

He's having a day with the kids, he's off of work for a week, he started rapping and singing again, he tours less because we have seven kids now instead of four. When he does tour, we either go with him or stay, depending on how long he will be away. If it's a long time and the kids are in school, we'll go for a little while, then come home before they miss too much. We have a tutor for them that comes with us. If he's going on a tour for a few months, we stay here and visit him every other weekend, or he comes to see us whenever he can.

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now