Date Night Part 1

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This is gonna be Yn & Chres and Nicki & Wayne

*Yn POV*

Chres took me to a fancy restaurant first. "Thank you Jesus." I said, excitedly. Chres chuckled. "I'm hungry and there is food here." I explained. He just laughed again before helping me out of the car. We held hands as we walked into the building.

"Name." The hostess said. "Chresanto August." Chres said. They showed us to a table. As soon as we sat down, Santo reached over the table and took my hand. "I love you." Santo told me. I smiled. "I love you too." I told him. "My name is Ashley and I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get you guys tonight?" The waitress asked. She was young and very respectful. "I'll have a steak with salad, fries and a sprite." I said. She wrote it down and looked at Santo. "I'll have a steak, fries, and mash potatoes with sprite." Santo told her. She wrote it down. "How do y'all want your steaks?" Ashley asked. Me and Santo said, "Well done." at the same time. She wrote it down. "I'll be back shortly." Ashley said before taking our menus and walking away.

"I got you something." Santo told me. I smiled at him. "You didn't have too." I told him. He shrugged. "You're my baby. I haven't been spoiling you like I used to." Santo said. I smiled at him again. Santo got a box out and opened it. There was a very beautiful diamond necklace. The diamonds where blue and pink. Blue is Santo's favorite color and pink is mine. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. "Santo, it's beautiful." I said in awe. He smiled at helped me put it on. I turned around and kissed him before he walked to his seat. I'm so happy.

*Santo POV*

So, lately, I've been feeling like I wasn't making Yn remember the reason she married me so, I wanted to do something special for her. That wasn't even the beginning of what I have planned for tonight.

The waitress came out with our food after five minutes. "Thank you." Yn told her. "Thanks." I added. She smiled and nodded. "Let me know if I can get y'all anything else." She said before walking away. Yn and I began eating.

"Remember the time when were hanging out with the boys at the apartment and Jacob was dancing around like a dummy and he fell flat on his face." Yn said. We both laughed. "He broke his noes from that." I said, still cracking up. We just spent the next hour like that.

We pulled up to the beach. I walked around the car and opened Yn's door, helping her out. I had to help her take her shoes off because she was wearing heels. I took my shoes off too. We held hands and started walking down the beach, right beside the water. "I love you." I told Yn. She smiled. "I love you too." Yn said. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arm around her waist. Yn rested her head on me.

We walked down the beach and collected some seashells. It's 8 o'clock and already dark with hardly anyone on the beach. I got another box out of my pocket. I pulled us to a stop and stood infront of Yn. Then got down on my knee and opened the box. Ahh, the memories. (That's how he proposed. On the beach.) "Yn, I still love you. I always have. I'm happy we are still married. Happy is an understatement. We've been through a lot in the past years. But, we made it. I wanna know, will you marry me again?" I asked. She put her hand over her mouth. "Like, renew our vowels?" She asked. I nod. "I know you don't have to til' ten years of marriage, but, I want you to remember while you married. I know in the past I did stupid stuff. I just wanna renew our vowels to remind you, I love you and I'm sorry for the stupid stuff and I'm beyond happy that we are still married." I told her. Yn was crying. "Yes, Santo. I would love to renew our vowels. But, I know you love me. I'm happy we got through everything. I love you too." Yn said. I put the new ring on her ring finger with her wedding ring.

I stood up and wiped her face and she did the same to me. "I love you." I said. She smiled and hugged me tight. I hugged back. "I love you too." Yn said. We held hands and walked to the car. Then we went home and cuddled and watched movies all night.

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