What's Wrong With My Wife

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-It's Friday in the story, the Friday before Mother's Day-

"Well, we didn't find anything dangerous, but you need to relax. You're too stressed, and it could harm the babies. This is just the early stages, so I'm putting you on bed rest until they come. Now, you can have two hours of very light exercise, walking for example." The doctor says, making me release a sigh out of relief.

"Okay." Yn nods, going to stand, but I stop her.

"Is that all?" I ask, which the doctor nods his head to. Then we stand up, I shake the doctors hand, thanking him for his help, then we leave.

"Baby, I'm hungry." Yn whines, rubbing her stomach.

"Here, mama." I say, handing her the bag of food.

"Thank you." She smiles, leaning over and pecking my cheek.

"You're welcome. Do the kids ride the bus in the afternoon, or do we need to pick them up now? It's already one fifteen." I inform her.

"We have to pick them up." She answers, with a mouth full of food.

"Okay, but you're going straight to bed when we get home." I say, pointing a finger at her jokingly. I was serious about the straight to bed part.

I drove by the kids' school, waiting in the car riders line. They all came out at once, stepping from the sidewalk and into the van. "How was school?" I ask, grabbing a Wendy's bag, where I had just picked up chicken nuggets for all the kids. "Pass em' back." I say, handing the little bags back individually.

There was a chorus of 'Thank you, daddy' from them. I pulled off, saying 'You're welcome.' I turned to go to Altereak and Az's school.

I walked into the school to get them, quickly. "Altereak, Az, your dad is here." The teacher announces. The run over to me, their book bags already on their backs.

I hold their hand while we walk out. "How was school?" I ask, as we walk down the school hallway.

"It was fun, we did finger paint." Az cheese.

"We bringing them home tomorrow and gonna give them to mommy and you." Altereak adds, also smiling.

"That's so cool, what did you make?" I ask.

"You can see tomorrow." They speak in unison, laughing afterwards. I chuckle, shaking my head at them.

After making sure they were buckled, I get in the drivers side. I drive just five miles above the limit on the way home, ready to be back home. I believe my P.O. is coming today.

And I am right, when we pull into the driveway ten minutes later, he is just about to knock on the door. "Okay, you guys go in the house and start your homework, I'll be in there to help you in a minute. Sit at the table. Yn-" I'm cut off by Yn as we unload the kids from the car.

"I know, straight to the bed. No stress. But, I'm sitting on the couch, I want to hang out with the kids. They can do their homework in the living room, right?" She asks.

"Okay." I nod.

They head to living room when we get in the house, and I go to the kitchen with my P.O. Good thing it was Friday when I smoked with Wayne and them, or else I'd be getting caught today.

"Alright, drug test." He says, getting the stuff out. It's a urine test, I don't like it.

I take the little cup and head to the bathroom, doing my business then coming back downstairs.

"Negative." He mutters, writing it on a paper. "Okay, community service. How is it going?"

"I'm starting Saturday and I have to go get my tour approved." I tell him. Hopefully, they'll work with me.

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