Planning Our Future

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*Yn POV*

I woke up to Chres shaking me. "Babe, get up. We gotta have the future talk and then go get my sister." Chres said excitedly. I smiled and got up. I did my hygiene thing and dressed in blue jeans, a short sleeve white blouse and gold flats. I brushed my hair and left it with all the natural curls. I put on eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I hate wearing make up. I walked in the room and saw Chres in jeans, a shirt with a giant cross in the middle. The shirt was black and the cross was grayish silver. He was wearing black and white Jordan's. Chres smiled at me.

Chres looked so cute. I kissed him. "So, how many kids do you want?" I asked. He smiled. "All together or just ones from me and you?" Chres asked. I shrugged. "Both." He thought for a minute. "All together, a lot. From me and you, even more." He said. Chres did that thing with his eye brows. "Ya nasty." I said. "But you love it." He told me. I blushed. "I do. But seriously how many kids?" I asked. "A lot, I'm serious. I want a big family with a lot of kids." Chres said. I smiled and agreed. We talked longer before we went to get his sister.

When we got in the car he said "Did we get a lawyer?" I laughed. "Yes, I got one he is gonna meet us there." I told him. We drove to starbucks.

Once we got there our lawyer and his mom and her lawyer were there. His mom stood up shook hands with me and Chres. She looked young like in her early 30's. "Ma'am how old are you? You look so young. If you're any older than 30 I wanna know your secret." I said. It kind of just slipped out. She laughed. "I'm 31." She said. She was 14 when she had Chres?!?! Oh. My. God.

Then a little baby started trying to talk. "Momma, who dat?" She asked, pointing at me and Chres. "That's Chres and" She started then looked at me. "Yn" I said. "And Yn, they are gonna be your new mommy and daddy." She finished cheerfully. The girl looked sad and happy. She looked at her mom confused. "I have to go on a really long trip. Chres, is really your brother but he is gonna take care of you so now, Yn is your mommy and Chres is you daddy." She explained.

Gina looked up at us and told us about her. "Her name is Prehia August, she is turning two in a month and a half. Her birthday is August 1st. Everything else you need to know is in her files. She has no allergies." Gina said. We filled out all the papers then went to the court house to finalize it.

After everything was finalized with the judge and everything, apparently she had been planning it cause she had everything she needed. But after that, she gave us a diaper bag, all Prehia's clothes, all of her toys, diapers, wipes, furniture, everything we needed for Prehia. Then she left. She didn't say bye or I love you to Prehia or Chres. I don't like her. I put Prehia in the carseat in the backseat.

Then I got in the passenger side and Chres got in the driver side and Chres started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "So, how do you feel?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He put our hands back down but didn't let go. "I feel proud. Of both of us. I also feel like I don't like my mom very much." He said. I laughed. "Well, we don't have to deal with her anymore." I told him. He smiled. "I'm taking you out tonight. With Prehia." Chres announced. "First family night." I smiled.

He told me to go get ready and he will bring Prehia up and a minute so they can get ready. They were currently setting up Prehia's room. Everyone instantly fell in love with Prehia. Chres told me to dress nice, so, I put on a pink sundress. I left my hair naturally curly again. I touched up my make up and left it like that. I put on the gold flip flops that went with the dress.

Then Chres came up stairs with nice jeans and the shirt I bought him. It was red with black letters that said "Spiffy". I used to say he was spiffy. He still is. He had his diamond earrings in. Then his black and white Jordan's, he loves them things. And of course the gold chain he got from his dad.

Prehia was in a poofy dress. I call them princess dresses. But it was pink and the bottom had ruffles. The top part that didn't have ruffles had a butterfly and a flower belt thing that went all the way around it, right before the ruffles started. It wasn't a real belt, the flowers were sown into the dress. She had on little pink tennis shoes. She had in earrings that were flowers. Gina, must have got her ears pierced before we got her. It was cute though. She had her hair in curly pigtails. Her eyes are really big and brown. She is adorable.

"I just noticed she's got light skin too." I stated. Chres laughed. "Yeah. She's beautiful, just like you." He said. I smiled, blushed and thanked him. "You look pretty good too." I told him. He thanked me. Then we headed out. We took his car since Prehia's carseat was already in it. "So, what are we doing?" I asked. "We are going to dinner and then we are going to the beach." He said. I looked at him. "I didn't bring me or Prehia a bathing suit." I told him. He just kept driving. "I got you and Prehia a bathing suit and me my swimming trunks." He informed me. I smiled. "Good thinking." I told him.

-Skipping to after dinner at the beach-

*Yn POV*

Chres seems a little nervous. Maybe it's just cause we are taking our daughter to the beach. It sounds weird saying 'our daughter' but at the same time I can't say it enough. Once we got out we went to the bathroom and changed into our bathing suits. Mine was a black and blue two piece. Prehia's was a black and blue one piece. Chres had on blue and black swimming trunks. "We all match." I said. He smiled. I know he did that on purpose. Me and Chres were holding hands walking down to the water. We let Prehia run a little a head of us.

Once we got to the water, Chres grabbed my waist to stop me from walking into the water. He told Prehia to come here. He got down on one knee and sat Prehia on it. He looked up at me.

"Yn, I have known you for almost six years. I've been with you for a year. We are young. We already started a family. We've been through hell and back, but we always come out stronger than ever. Everyday just gets better and better with you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you so, Yn YMn YLn(Your name, your middle name, your last name), will you marry me?" He asked. I was crying. "I love you with all my heart Chresanto Romelo Lorenzo August, so yes, I will marry you." I said.

He put the ring on my finger, then sat Prehia down and kissed me. Out of no where the whole group was here. I smiled. I hugged everyone and Chres hugged Lolo and gave daps to the boys. "Y'all knew about this?" I asked. They nod. "We helped plan it." Lolo said. I smiled.

Then the realization hit that I'm getting married to the love of my life. I was literally jumping up and down. "I'm getting married." I cheered. I looked at Chres then Prehia then my friends then the ring. It was absolutely gorgeous. It had little tiny diamonds all around a big one. I kissed Chres again. "Okay, let's get in the water." I cheered.

We all went in the water. Lolo was holding Prehia and me and Chres were swimming together. "So, when do you wanna get married?" He asked. "As soon as possible." I answered. He smiled and agreed. I kissed him again. "I love you." I whispered to him. "I love you too, baby girl." He whispered back.

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