They're a...

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*Yn POV*

-Skipping ahead 4 months-

Today we are finding out if the kids are boys or girls or both. I am doing fine and so are the kids. I got out of the hospital the day after I woke up. "Mr. and Mrs. August?" The doctor asked. I got worried. "Yes?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "Well, I see three healthy, living, growing babies. It seems they miss pronounced one as dead. They are all alive." She told me. Chres was smiling big and I was crying tears of joy.

After a moment she asked if we wanted to know if they were girls or boys. We said yes. "Well, I see a girl, a boy and" She started. She moved the thing around a little. "Another boy." She finished.

We left the doctor's office and I was so happy and so was Chres. I texted everyone and they were all happy. My sisters and Lolo and Monique were planning a baby shower. When me and Chres got home we were looking for names. "I like Aaliyah." I said. I looked at him and he was smiling. "Like the singer?" He asked and I nod. "Okay, what about Aaliyah Shanell  ?" He asked. I smiled. "Our baby is gonna named after singer. I like it though. Aaliyah Shanell  August." I said. Then we started with boy names. "The first boy that pops out has to be named Chresanto Romelo Lorenzo August." I said. He chuckled and agreed. "I like Trey." He said for the second boy name. "Me too. What about a middle name?" I asked. We thought for a minute. "What about Christopher?" I asked. He said the full name out loud. "Trey Christopher August. I like it." He agreed. We got the names, now we just need the stuff.

Chres went out with the guys and I went shopping with Monique and Lolo. Prehia was staying with my mom tonight. "Me and Ray started dating three months ago." Lolo stated. Me and Monique squealed. "Aww, y'all cute." Monique said. Lolo thanked her then switched the attention to Monique. "What about you and Craig?" She asked her. Monique smiled then frowned a little. "He really is a sweet guy, which makes it so much harder to say this." Monique said. Me and Lolo waited for her to finish. "What?" We said in unison. Monique looked at us. "We hooked up a few months ago, well, a lot since then too, but we did a few months ago and I guess something went wrong cause, I'm 2 months pregnant." She said. Me and Lolo squealed. "Aww, and Craig is a good guy. Whether you know it or not, he loves you. And you love him too. And I'm 100% positive he will help with everything he can, he loves kids." I told her. She smiled. "Good, cause I'm 100% positive this baby is his cause he's the only person I slept with since 1 year before your wedding." She told us. Dang. Me and Lolo laughed and continued shopping.

Half way through shopping, we saw Ray. Making out with another girl. I told Lolo and Monique to hide and watch. They did and went and grabbed Ray by his braids and pulled him away from her. "What are you doing? I know you and Lolo is dating so, don't try to lie." I told him. He looked guilty. "And you not gon tell her bout this." He told me. I laughed. Lolo and Monique walked up behind him with four smoothies. "I ain't gotta, she's the one that saw you." I said. Then they dumped the smoothies on his head. He turned around and saw Lolo and started apologizing but she just walked off like a boss and me and Monique followed her.

We went home and Lolo broke down. My mom came and dropped Prehia off, she wanted to stay longer but she had to go to work. Prehia found out Lolo was crying because of Ray. "Don't cry cause of Uncle Ray, Titi, you're too pretty." She told Lolo. Lolo laughed and giggled. "Thank you, baby." She said. It worked and she stopped crying.

"Chres, am I fat?" I asked, looking at my stomach in the mirror. They got home two hours after we did. We were sitting upstairs, getting ready for bed cause we got school tomorrow. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "No, you're 6 months pregnant with triplets. This is what you're supposed to look like." He said. I giggled and turned in his arms. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed him. "You're sweet." I told him. He smirked and bit his lip. "You're sexy." He said. I blushed and turned around. He took his phone out and told me to take pictures with him. I sat next to him on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. We smiled, made silly faces, kissed, hugged, everything. He even got one where he was kissing my stomach. Then he got one with my whole stomach showing and his arms around me. He was sitting behind me and had his chin on my shoulder, turned and he was kissing my cheek while I smiled. Then, after taking literally 112 pictures, we went to bed.

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