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That was the best song I could find...

Song: Froze by Chris Brown

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*Yn's POV*

Today I am meeting with Wayne and the lawyer. It's been about three weeks since Santo got arrested. I haven't seen him, and the only other times I've spoken to him has been about the case. It's not for another two months. That's too long for me to be away from him. That's much too long for the kids.

I dropped them off at Craig and Nique's house. I sat around there for about five minutes then had to leave to meet the lawyer. I drove to his office and hurried inside.

"Good morning, Mrs. August." He greeted me, shaking my hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson." I smiled, taking a seat across the desk.

"I was reviewing some of the evidence, and Santo's finger prints weren't on the bag, but someone else's where. Since he admitted to it, he'll definitely be serving sometime, but not the five to ten years he's facing now." The lawyer started.

I smiled and let out a breath of relief. "That's amazing."

"And since they don't have any pictures of him selling or making drugs, that could also knock off sometime." He added.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing. Thank you so much." I thanked him.

"I'm actually meeting with him to tell him this in about three hours, and I know you've been missing him. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could be there to see his reaction when he hears this amazing news."

"Seriously?" I practically yelled, due to excitement.

"Seriously." He answered.

"That would be amazing." I told him.

"Well, be back up here at one this afternoon and we can go up there." He told me.

I thanked him once more before leaving to go meet Wayne. I had to meet him at his apartment, he has a house and an apartment. He can't live in the house because people work there, so he stays at his apartment.

"Okay, the best I can do right now is get one of my guys on the inside to tamper with the evidence, not enough to be noticed, but it would make him look better. Maybe knock a few months off. What'd you find out with the lawyer?" Wayne asked her.

"Chres can get some years knocked off because his fingers weren't on the bag. That's pretty much it, I'm going with the lawyer to tell him later."

"Well, that's great. We can keep trying, and he can always get out sooner with good behavior." Wayne reminded me.

"Yeah. I think he can be good." I nod.

I met up with the lawyer, then we drove to the meeting with Santo. This was after I cooked of course, the lawyer said I could bring it to him. The meeting is thirty to forty-five minutes so he eat it.

I'm sort of nervous. I don't want him to get in trouble. I think it'll be okay.

I sat in the seat, facing away from the door. He doesn't know I'm going to be here, it's a surprise. The lawyer sat facing the correct way, towards the door. I heard the door click open and the sound of keys.

"Thank you." I heard Chres say. My heart fluttered, I haven't heard his voice in so long.

"Let me know when the meeting is over. You know how it goes." A deep voice answered.

"Yes, sir." The lawyer nods.

The door clicked shut and Chres sat beside me, linking his hands together on the table. There were no cuffs on them. "Who's she? I thought the meeting was just us." He was confused. I looked at him, smiling. He smiled also. "Oh my God, baby. I missed you so much." He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "We're off that break, right?"

"Yes, I thought the break ended after we got off the phone that day." I answered.

"I did too, just wanted to be sure." He kissed me immediately.

"Here, baby." I smiled, handing him the container. It held his favorite food, fried chicken, greens and mac and cheese. I brought him some Pepsi with it. It was a big meal, but I've heard prison food is gross.

He looked inside, "Thank you, baby girl." He kissed my head, then picked up the plastic fork and began eating his greens.

"So, we have a little information. It'll knock a year or two off of your sentence, if you are found guilty. There is about a thirty percent chance that we can get you out of this mess." He informed Santo.

"That's great." He said, mouth filled with greens.

"I had the file, but I guess I left it in my car. I'll be right back." The lawyer stood up and rushed out of the room.

"How are the kids?" Chres asked.

"They're good, they miss you a lot. I do too, everyone does. The fans are going crazy." I told him.

"Can you deliver a message?" He asked.

"Yeah, do you want me to record it and post it on your social media, or type it on ours?" I asked.

"You could record it, that away they hear it from me." He answered, wiping his mouth. He took a few gulps of his drink.

I hit record when he was ready. "Hey. I'm sorry it's been so long, I kind of got in a little tiny bit of trouble. I'm not sure when I'll be out, I haven't had court yet. But I'm sure my lovely wife will keep you all up to date. There's not much to say now, just trying to figure stuff out. I love you guys!" He waved.

"Can you make one for the kids? I just want to tell them I love them." He said, tearing up. I nod and start another video.

"Hey, daddy loves all very, very, very you. I miss you all very, very, very much. I hope you're being good for mommy. I'll see you soon, as soon as I can. I love you!" He blew a kiss and smiled, waving. I ended the video and brought him into a hug as he broke down.

"It's gonna be okay, baby." I said, rubbing his back.

"I haven't seen my kids in three weeks, Yn. I'm dying. I need them. And I need you." He cried.

"I know, baby." I choked up a little. Chres doesn't cry, it hurts seeing him so hurt. "We'll get through this though." A tear slipped down my face, a few more falling.

"I hope so." He quietly responded, not letting me go. I didn't let him go either.

"Chres, I am so sorry for these last few months. I made our last months together hell. I am so sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay." He answered. He kissed me again, slowly for a while, then pulled me in for another hug.

We just sat there, crying quietly and hugging. Our breathing keeps getting caught, that was the only way you could tell we are crying. The sniffles are the only sound in the room.

Chres pulled me on his lap, holding me tighter. "I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too." I said, my face buried in his chest. I whispered in his ear what Wayne said. He nods, sending a smile.

We went back to hugging. When the lawyer came back in, we stayed like that. I was listening, so was Chres. He also continued eating with one hand. The other stayed tightly around me. I don't want to leave, I wanna stay here forever.

I am so sorry for the long wait. I want these chapters to be really good. Thank you for reading/commenting/voting, and please continue to do so. Thank you all once again. I will update as soon as I can. What did you think of this chapter? What should happen in your opinion?


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