Out Of A Comma

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*Yn POV*

Santo was taking me to my Uncles. I'm about to kill these bitches. Almost killing my baby. They gon' get it. Anyway, yeah, I'm up. I was in a comma for two weeks. But, my baby's okay, and still in my stomach. I don't even care that I almost died. MY CHILD ALMOST DIED!! I'mma kill for my family if I have to. That's part of being married and a mother. You protect those you love.

We walked into my uncle's house. He was passed out on the floor. I saw him yesterday though, he hung out with me in the hospital. He also gave Santo the family business. He said he's almost fifty, it's time for the next generation to have it. So, we're in charge of everything now. I woke my uncle up and we went downstairs.

"Alright, hmmm, what to do? More importantly what to use." I said, toying with a gun. Janel's loud ass started screaming. I smiled. "I could practice my aim." I said. Janel shut up because she was confused. "Hmm. Foot." I said. I shot and 'accidentally' got her leg. I winced. "Looks like that hurt." I said, faking sweetness. She started cussing at me so, I shot her in the shoulder. She screamed. Janel is to loud. "So, I hear my uncle's been keeping you alive for me. I see y'all's bones. I'm guessing you've been eating scraps for the whole two weeks." I said, tying her mouth shut.

I took the bag off the second one, it was Marcus. "I'm bout tired of you nigga." I said, pistol whipping him. He spit out some blood. "Nice talking to you too." He said. I stabbed a knife in his leg. Then I just left it there. I'mma leave it there til it stops hurting then take it out.

The third person, I didn't know. "I don't even know you. Why try to kill me?" I asked. She teared up. "J-Janel s-said she w-would k-kill my son and daughter if I didn't help. I couldn't let her kill them. You have kids you would have done the same. Right? I only helped her find you." She cried. I thought for a minute. I would have done the same. "We have her kids." My uncle said. "Bring them here." I commanded. The girl started crying. "P-please don't hurt them. Please." She begged. I untied her. "I'm not. I would have done the same thing as you. Believe it or not, I respect you for doing what you did. Now, just don't say nothing about this to anyone and you can go." I said, finishing taking all her chains off. She hugged me. "Thank you so much." She said.

Her kids were brought down and she ran to them and got on her knees hugging them. "Mommy!" They cheered. The kids were around Prehia's age. "Hey, where's there dad?" I asked. The woman shrugged and covered her kids' ear. "The dead beat bastard(A/N Never used that word before so, I probably spelled it wrong) left us. We're on our own." She answered, then uncovered her kids' ears. I smiled. "Wait upstairs. I'll be up in a minute. Troy, make sure they are left alone." I directed on of the, I guess you could say, guards. They both nod and I wait for them to be upstairs. "You are a sick person, Janel. Threatening her kids? That's low." I said.

After I had shot and killed them, I went upstairs to change. I brought extra clothes. "Alright, so you wanna know where the dead beat is to get child support?" I asked. She shrugged. "He's a drug addict. I'd rather not have him around the kids. Even if that means I have to work three jobs." She said. I smiled and grabbed the duffel bag beside me. "Alright, I'm keep checking in on you. If you ever hurt those kids or use this money for anything but bettering y'alls life, I will hunt you down and kill you. Meaning, don't start drugs." I said, handing it to her. She nods and smiles. She even cried a little. I hugged her and then her kids. "Y'all listen to y'all's momma, alright? She loves y'all." I told them. They nod and smile at there mom.

After that, I exchanged numbers with her and went home to my babies. I got a family too. "You okay?" Santo asked. I nod. "Are you sure? I mean, I know it hurts when you have to do that stuff." Santo said. The first time I killed someone, I didn't put the bag on their head, it took me forever to get over it. I nod. "Yeah, they almost killed my child. It was personal and, I put the bags on their heads before I did it." I told him. He kissed me and we started driving. Back home to my babies. My life is about to change again. And the old Yn is coming back. I already know. Beauty is gonna make a reappearance. This time, she won't be slinging, she'll be ruining all this shit, with her husband, Roc.

What do you think? The book is gonna have more of the things from the beginning happen again. Like, Yn said, Beauty is making a reappearance with Roc. Now, there is still gonna be the fame parts but, there will be a lot more things with how I originally planned. With the thug stuff and the drug stuff and even a little more violence. Let me know what you think. Comment/vote. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the late and short update but, this is just a filler/preview chapter.

I also found out Ray left (or got kicked out) of MB. :( Prince is the only original member now. What happened to MB??? And right before the new album drops. Please, tell me I misunderstood what I read. And go follow my girl Stay_Mindless_xoxo she's new to wattpad. (She makes bomb covers for books. And I think she is posting her book soon. I'm the editor. I assure you, it's epic) And she follows back. Later though.


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