Here They Come

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*Yn POV*

-Skipping 5 months ahead-

It’s one in the morning, Chres is still at a party. I’m now 9 months pregnant. I cannot sleep cause Chres ain’t here. Prehia is with my mom since I could go in labor anytime now.

“Lolo! Nique!” I yelled. I think my water just broke. I keep getting sharp pains in my stomach, and there is water everywhere. I got my phone to call Chres. He picked up on the 12th ring.

(Phone Convo)

Chres- *Very Drunk* “Hello?”

Yn- “Chres?”

Chres- “Hey, baby.”

Yn- “My water broke.”

Chres- “What? I’m sorry, it’s loud in here. I can’t hear you. Text me.”

I texted him saying, “You were supposed to be home 3 hours ago. My water broke.” He sent a question mark back. How hard is it to understand. “Boy, the babies are coming!!” I sent back. He didn’t send anything after that. If he ain’t at that hospital I’mma be mad. “Lolo! My water broke!!” I yelled. She ran in and helped me. We grabbed the bags and went to the hospital.

-Four Hours Later-

“Last push.” The doctor stated. I pushed then my third child was in this world. Chresanto was born first, then Trey, then Aaliyah. Chresanto Junior looks more like Chres. Trey looks like an even mix of me and Chres. Aaliyah is like my minnie me. They weren’t identical triplets. So, they don’t look exactly alike. The look a lot alike though. Chres made it to the hospital, him, Jacob, Craig and Ray took a cab and got here five minutes after me and Lolo. At least he made it. I wasn’t mad that he stayed out late, I just wanted him to be here when the kids came. He was, so there is nothing to be mad about.

“I can’t believe they are finally here.” I said. Me and Chres were on the hospital bed with all four kids with us. He had his arm around all of us. He was on the edge with Prehia on his chest and CJ beside him. I was laying on the other side with Trey and Aaliyah beside me. All four were between us in this tiny bed. “Me either, they’re so tiny.” Chres said. He sobered up a little. I giggled. “They really are.” I agreed. CJ was 7 pounds and 4 ounces. Trey was 7 pounds 3.5 ounces. Aaliyah was 7 pounds exactly. I yawned so, me and Chres joined the kids in sleeping. At least they are here and healthy.

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