Mommy Day

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"Prehia, Niya! Come on now, everyone is ready!" I yell upstairs. Everyone is ready to go except them.

"We're coming!" Prehia yells back.

They come down, wearing some short shorts, flip flops, tank tops and make up. "What the-" Yn cuts me off.

"Language." She warns. We're not supposed to swear in front of the kids.

"What do you think you're wearing?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Clothes." Prehia shrugs.

"Get smart, lil' girl. Go put on some real clothes. Now." I demand.

"But dad-" I cut them off.

"Y'all are lucky it's hot out. Or I'd be making you wear some turtle necks and jeans. Y'all know better than that. You will not wear clothes like this until you're at least sixty."

"This is not fair, everyone else wears clothes like this." Prehia groans.

"You are nine years old, change. Now. I won't say it again."

"Whatever, Chresanto." She rolls her eyes, they stomp upstairs.

"Oww." I say, feeling actually hurt.

I feel hurt and angry, so I go upstairs. I don't know if I should whoop her for being disrespectful, or talk to her about something.

"Pringle, what was that?" I ask her.

"I don't like it here anymore!" She yells.

I try to keep calm, and not whoop her for yelling at me. I discipline my children, it's why the behave so well. This is really unlike her, and I know I need to talk to her, rather then whoop her and drop it. "I'm you're father, Prehia, you can't call me Chresanto. And you can not yell at me like that." I explain.

"No you're not." She huffs.

I frown, looking down. "What's gotten in to you?" I ask.

"Ms. Gina says-"

"Ms. Gina is mean, you can't trust her. When are you even talking to her?"

"At school, she comes to lunch sometimes." Prehia admits.

"She's not a nice person, if she comes to talk to you, I don't want you to talk to her. Tell the teacher, then tell us." I instruct.

"No, I want to live with my mom!" She yells, right as Yn walks in the room.

"You do live with me." She says, rubbing her stomach and sitting beside me.

"You're not my mom. Ms. Gina says so." Prehia says.

"Ms. Gina is a liar." Yn says simply. "She tried to take you from us before, but we wouldn't let her."

"Ms. Gina says she is." Prehia answers.

"Really, so Ms. Gina is your mom?" Yn asks. "So, I guess that means you get to go live on the street, like your dad did. Gina is your father's mother. She is your grandmother. You know what she did? When your dad was your age, nine years old, she kicked him out. She didn't take care of him, she threw him out the house and he had no where to go. If you really believe that she's your mother, and you don't want to live with us, your real parents, then you can live with her. But just know, you won't be in a house, you'll be where your dad was at your age, on the street. You better know, I am your mother, he is your father." I start to question where Yn is going with this.

"If you don't want to live with us and your brothers and sisters, then go ahead and live with Gina. She'll kick you out and we won't see you ever again. You're our daughter, it's on your birth certificate. You are exactly like CJ, Trey, Altereak, Az, Jayden, Ariella-Mae and Niya. You are our daughter, but you have a choice here. Live with a stranger who will through you out, or live with your parents and siblings, who care about you." Yn tells her.

"She's not my mom?" Prehia asks, skeptical.

"No, Prehia, I'm your mom. And he's your dad." Yn points at me. "We're your parents and they are your brothers and sisters. You were our first child, and you already hate us." Yn starts crying, but tries to stop it.

"I don't hate you, mommy!" Prehia cries, throwing her arms around Yn.

"It's okay, Prehia. You don't have to lie, we can let you go with Ms. Gina if you want too, whatever will make you happy, because we love you." Yn says, wiping her eyes.

"I don't hate you, mommy. I love you." She says, looking at Yn.

"Promise?" She asks.

"With both my pinkies." She holds them both up.

Yn locks both of her pinkies with Yn's. "What do you say to daddy?"

"I'm sorry, daddy. I love you." She hugs me.

"I love you too, Princess. Don't do that again, it really hurts our feelings." I tell her.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"And we forgive you." Yn and I say in unison.

"Let's go out for breakfast now." I say, clasping my hands together.

I help Yn up, "I'm really sorry, mommy and daddy." Prehia says again.

"It's okay." We assure her.

"Y'all okay?" I ask Yn.

"We're fine." She nods.

I place my hand on her stomach and lean to press a kiss to her lips.

We end up at the cheesecake factory for breakfast. We get there at 11:05am, five minutes after it opens for the day. It's a late breakfast.

Trey and CJ get those roadside slider things for kids, Prehia, Niya and Aaliyah get the kids' chicken sliders, Az and Altereak get mini corn dogs. They all get fruit as a side and a mini hot fudge sundae for dessert. They all get root beer for a drink.

Yn and I both get an old fashioned burger and salad as a side. She gets a Dr. Pepper to drink and I get root beer. For dessert, strawberry cheesecake. The kids didn't want cheesecake, they wanted ice cream.

"Happy mother's day, mama." I say to Yn, pecking her lips.

"Happy mommy day!" The kids yell.

"Thank you." Yn smiles.

I grab her hand, kissing the back of it. "We have a present for you." I tell her.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yep, as soon as we get back, you can have it." I nod.

"Aww, I thought I could have it now." She pouts.

"Aww, you know me better than that." I mock.

She rolls her eyes playfully, leaning over to peck my cheek.

"Ouch, daddy, Lay-Lay pulled my hair!" CJ whines. It's a good thing we chose to eat outside.

"You called me ugly!" She yells back at him.

"Mommy says to be honest." He mutters.

Aaliyah pouts then starts crying. "Daddy." She cries, coming to me and sitting in my lap.

"It's okay, Lay-Lay." I coo, rubbing her back.

"He hurted my feelings." She cries.

"CJ apologize to your sister." I tell CJ, using my stern voice.

"Sorry, Lay-Lay." He mumbles.

Eventually, Aaliyah returns to her seat and eats her food. "How are you, ma?" I ask Yn.

"We're fine, Santo." Yn smiles, placing a hand on her stomach.

I lean over, placing a slow, gentle kiss to her lips.

"Can I get you guys any refills?" A waitress asks, I turn and my smile drops.

How is she here right now?

Thanks for reading! Vote/comment.

Who was the waitress?

What is Gina up to?


P.s. This isn't edited. Sorry it took so long to update.

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