Marcus Did What

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*Chres POV*

After Yn said that it all made since. "Baby, we need to take you to the hospital." She told me. We drove to the hospital after Yn explained everything to them. They told us they would watch Prehia.

When we got to the Emergency Room they doctor ran some tests. The doctor came in with the results. "Well, Mr. August, you were in fact drugged. It's almost completely out of your system. It should only be another 30 minutes or so." He said. He told us we had to stay for another hour to make sure everything was okay. I pulled Yn on my lap. "Do you forgive me?" I asked. She looked at me for a minute. "For what you called me, yes, cause it was whatever Marcus drugged you with talking. For the doctor's, no."She said. I kissed her. "I love you baby. I know that girl though. She was my cousin. If I would have took your side, she would have her brother try to hurt you or Prehia. I didn't want to lose you guys. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me baby. I love you. I can't lose you. I need you. I'll do anything." I said.

I started crying. I can not lose her. She is my life and my world. Her and Prehia. She started crying and we wiped each others tears. "It'll never happen again?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, never, she got fired and I talked to her, she said that she wanted to get fired and that's why she said those things. She said that she's not mad and she isn't gonna get her brother on us cause we helped her." I explained. She kissed me. "I forgive you." She told me. I smiled. I took the ring out of my pocket. "You still wanna marry me?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I put the ring back on her finger and the kissed her with all the passion and love in me.

After the doctor's we went home. "How did it go?" They asked. Yn and I explained everything. They were happy we were still together. We took Prehia to our room. We were all on the bed just having fun. Prehia was telling us what we missed. "Uncle Jake threw Uncle Craig on de couch and beat him up. And Titi beat up Uncle Ray. And I beat up all of dem." She said. Her eyes were wide and she was getting into the story. Prehia kept moving her hands around being dramatic. "And den I see a bug and scweem(scream) reawy(really) loud. Den a unicorn flew in and made the bug go bye bye. Den I ate sum ice ceam and den you guys came home." She finished. Yn widened her eyes. "Wow, we missed a lot huh?" She asked, shocked. Prehia nodded.

"Mommy?" She asked suddenly sad. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "Did you get boo boos?" She asked. Yn nodded. "Why?" Prehia asked. "Well, people hurt mommy, and mommy got a boo boo. But I'm not gonna get no more boo boos every again. I pinky promise." Yn said, sticking out her pinky. Prehia wrapped her little pinky around Yn's. Prehia hugged Yn. "I wove you, mommy." She said. Yn hugged her tighter. "I love you too." She said. Prehia looked at me and pulled me in the hug too. "We wove mommy, daddy and Pringle." Prehia said. Me and Yn laughed and looked at each other and Prehia. "Yeah, we love mommy, daddy and Pringle." We said in unison. We all laid down and fell asleep in our bed. Prehia was in the middle and my arms were around the both of them. These girls are my life. I love them. I can't ever lose them. Or I might literally die. I fell asleep with them.

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