Prehia's Birthday Part One

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*Chres POV*

Today is Prehia's second birthday. Her party is at the house. Right now me and Yn is setting everything up while Craig, Lolo, Ray and Jacob took Prehia to the mall. Yn made them all go so that they wouldn't lose her. The mama bear came out. Her exact words were "Y'all all going and if you lose my baby, I'mma kill every one of you." She was dead serious.

"Babe, can you help me?" Yn asked. I turned around and saw her standing on a chair hanging up princess balloons. I laughed. "Short ass." I said. Yn narrowed her eyes at me and said "Getcha ass over here and help me hang these balloons." Yn said. I went over there and helped her. "Thank you." Yn said, happily. Yn jumped down from the chair and went over to keep decorating. I went back to what I was doing.

We finally got the whole house decorated. Yn texted everyone that could come home now. Then she texted everyone else and told them they could come over for the party. Everyone said they will be here at 3 and it's only 10 now. I went up to our room where Yn was looking out the window. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and she jumped a little. "I didn't mean to scare you." I whispered. She smiled. "It's okay." She told me. She put her hands on top of my arms. "Our baby's two." She said. I smiled. "Yeah, I feel kind of bad about all the stuff we don't know. I wish we could call Gina and ask." I said. Then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. "Well, speak of the devil." I said. I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

(Phone Convo)

Chres- "Hello, Gina."

Gina- "Hi, Chresanto."

Chres- "So, what did you call for?"

Gina- "It's Prehia's birthday. I wanted to tell her happy birthday."

Chres- "She's having her birthday party right now. Can you call later?"

Gina- "No, just tell her happy birthday for me."

Chres- "Okay, wait can I ask you something?"

Gina- "If it's why I left then I'm not gonna answer. I don't have to tell you that."

Chres- "Nah, it's about Prehia. I don't care why you left."

Gina- "Then ask away."

Chres- "What was her first word?"

Gina- "Daddy"

Chres- "When did she start walking?"

Gina- "At 10 months."

Chres- "Crawling?"

Gina- "At 7 months."

Chres- "That was all I wanted to know."

Gina- "Okay, and I heard you got married to um what's her name."

Chres- "Yn."

Gina- "Yeah, is she treating you and Prehia right?"

Chres- "Wow, you actually sound like you care. Last time that happened was almost ten years ago."

Gina- "Boy, just answer the question."

Chres- "Yes, she loves both of us. I have been with her for six years, Gina. Been dating her for over a year and she treats Prehia like her own. So do I."

Gina- "Good."

Chres- "Was that all?"

Gina- "Yes."

Chres- "Bye."

Gina- "Bye, Chresanto."

I hung up the phone. For a minute she sounded like my mom. The person she used to be. Me and Yn were still looking out the window and I still had my arms around her. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nod and rest my chin on her shoulder. I turned my head down and kissed the of her shoulder. Yn turned around and stood on her tip toes and kissed me. Short ass.

When she pulled away I looked down at her. "You're so short." I said. She laughed. "I'm not short, I'm fun size." Yn said. "You're my fun size pain in the ass wife, that I love." I said. She laughed. "You're my king size pain in the ass husband, that I love." Yn told me. She went to get dressed.

When she came out she had a brown shirt on that said "I'm not short, I'm fun size." in pink letters. Then she had on high waisted jean shorts and some pink Nike's. I got dressed in red basketball shorts and a black wife-beater. I kept on my gold chain and my diamond earrings.

Me and Yn sat on our bed and cut on the TV. A movie called "Half Past Dead 2" was on. This is Yn's favorite movie. She was quoting the movie as it went and getting all into it. "My name is Twitch and I ain't no snitch." She said with the guy on the movie. After the movie was over, it was 12. I kissed Yn and she climbed on top of me.

After a few minutes she pulled away. "It's about time for the party." She told me. I looked at the time. "Babe, it's only 12:30. We got an hour and a half." I corrected. She smiled and kissed me. One thing led to another and yeah.

-I don't do those scenes so skipping to after-

I was laying with Yn's head on my chest. After a minute of just lying there, she got up, but fell down. I smirked. "Chres, I need help again." Yn said. I got up and helped her. Yn took a bath so she wasn't sore then we got dressed in what we were wearing earlier.

At three everyone started showing up and within five minutes everyone was there. It was me, Yn, Prehia, Jacob, Craig, Ray, Lolo, Yn's mom and Jaquan. Jaquan is my homie if you ain't noticed. We been friends since we was little. They was something up with Yn's mom. She kept looking at Jaquan, not in a 'he's hot' kind of way. In a different kind of way, like a guilty way. Jaquan looked mad about something. The guys went outside cause Yn put us on grill duty. "Jaquan wassup with you?" I asked. "You ain't tell me Ciara was coming." Jaquan answered. I looked at him. "How you know Yn's mom?" I asked. He looked at me. "Cause she my mom too." He said. What the actual fuck.

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