Welcome Home!(Part Two)

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Everyone was at our house within an hour. "What's up, Jaquan?" I asked, dapping him.

"Nothing, man. How's it feel to be home?" He asks me.

"It's amazing. I missed my babies." I say, looking over at Yn and the kids.

"How many do y'all have now? With the one she's about to have?"

"Seven now, nine after she gives birth." I smile. Nine kids, that's amazing.

"Twins? Congrats, bro." He says, slapping a hand on my shoulder.


"Daddy!" Jaquan's daughter, Teanna, runs up to him, with Aaliyah. "Can I stay the night with Lay-Lay. Auntie Yn says it's okay with her."

"I guess, but you don't have any clothes with you." He answers.

"I brought my book bag, it's in the car." She admits, smiling innocently at him.

"Daddy, can you get me some drink?" Aaliyah asks, holding up her sippy-cup.

"Yeah, come on." I say, picking her up. I walked in the kitchen, going to the drinks. "What do you want, princess?" I call all of my daughters princess, and all the boys I call buddy.

"Apple juice!" She cheers.

I poured some juice into her cup and then got the rest of the kids something to drink. We're trying to get the triplets out of using sippy cups, because they're six now, but today, there are kids running around everywhere, so it makes things easier, and cleaner, to let them use sippy cups today.

"Lay-Lay, you can sit with us." Prehia tells Aaliyah, pointing to the seat beside her.

"No thanks, I'm gonna sit with Teanna." Aaliyah shrugs.

Prehia frowned a little, I guess now she wants to hang out with Aaliyah and Aaliyah doesn't want to hang out with her for once. Why do girls have to be so hard? All you do with boys is give them a football and let em' outside, that's it. I love all my kids though.

"Uncle Chres, where's Lay-Lay?" Xiomara asks.

"She's sitting over there with Teanna." I answer, pointing over to them.

"Oh, I seed her now. Tank you." Xiomara nods and walks off. She's Altereak and Az's age.

I looked around for Yn, but Jacob came over. "What's up, bro?" He asks.

We dapped while I answered, "Nothing" with a laugh.

"Must feel nice to be home now." He says.

"It feels great. I missed my babies." I agree.

"I bet." He nods, before Gavonni calls him over. "I gotta go see what she needs."

After he walked off, I continued to look for my wife. I can not find her, she was just in the kitchen a minute ago. Maybe she went to the bathroom. I'll go check.

I ran up to our room, then the bathroom. "Baby?" I called out.

I opened the bathroom door, seeing Yn sitting in front of the toilet. "What's wrong, Yn?" I closed the door behind me and sat beside Yn.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick, but nothing is coming up." She cries.

I rubbed circles on the small of her back. "It's okay, baby. You want be to go get you some sprite?" I ask.

"Will it help?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's supposed to." I nod, hugging her. "I'll go get you some, then you can lay down."

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