Part Two: Old Friends, More Secrets

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*Yn POV*

"Baby, I gotta go." Santo said as I pecked his lips over.

"I don't want you too." I whined.

"I have to. I'll be back in two hours. I just gotta meet with my manager about the interview tomorrow. Your going to it also because the interviewer wants to speak to both of us." Santo reminded me.

"But I'll be here alone. All the kids are at school and daycare." I said, pouting. Santo kissed my bottom lip. He pulled away, but then came back for another kiss.

"Baby, I'm really gonna be late. Keisha will kick my ass if I'm late again." Santo tried telling me again. I placed a kiss on his chest.

"If you leave in ten minutes, you can still make it there in time." I informed him, kissing his chest again.

"Yn, I gotta go." He told me, biting his lip.

"Fine." I groaned, getting off of him and pouting. I went to walk to our room when he grabbed my hips and pulled me back.

"Don't be mad, baby girl. We can hang out when I get home, I promise." He said, making me smile and turn to face him.

Santo kissed me again. He licked my bottom lip and I let him. After a few minutes, he bit my bottom lip gently, pulling away.

"I love you, Yn." He told me, smiling at me.

"I love you too." I said, smiling back. He walked out the door and I locked it behind him. I jogged upstairs and got ready to go surprise him. He's meeting his new dancers today. I used to be one of the dancers, then I got pregnant. He didn't want me dancing while I was, so I stopped. It's time to start again.

I took a quick shower. When I got out I put on my outfit(In the mm) and then straightened my blonde hair and pulled it in a pony tail. I applied light pink lip gloss, black eyeliner, I did a smokey eye, and put on mascara.

I grabbed my phone and water bottle. Then I got my keys and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

I got to the studio and walked in. When I saw Santo and Keisha, I snuck up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my hands on his belt buckle. I kissed his back and he jumped.

"I'm married!" He exclaimed, jumping away from me. Everyone looked at him and laughed. I did the same, so did Keisha.

"This ain't funny." He half-yelled, turning around. When he saw me, he smiled.

"It's a little funny." He agreed, walking to me. "What are you doing here, baby?" He asked, kissing me. I smiled and looked at Keisha. She shook her head, telling me not to tell him. I looked in his eyes.

"Just here to support my baby, and make sure none of these hoes touch you." I said, joking about the last part. But, I'm serious too. I put my arms around his waist and looked up at him. He chuckled.

"You so damn short." He said. I rolled my eyes at him, just playfully.

"It's not my fault. You're older than me." I reminded him.

"I'm 24, you're 23...almost." He told me.

(PAUSE.. It's only been a little over a year. Santo is 24, Yn is almost 23, Prehia is 8, Niya is almost 8, the triplets are five, Altereak is two, Az is one. I'll tell y'all the rest of the characters age later. PLAY...)

"We're old, Chres." I whined, making him laugh.

"Not old. We're only in our early twenties." Santo disagreed.

"Okay." I whispered. He kissed me again.

"Okay, enough face sucking, time to work." Keisha said, making me and Santo break apart.

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