Four Months

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So, let me catch you up. A lot has happened in the past two months. Me and Chres are back together and we are fine. All the kids are fine. We found out I am having a boy and Rihanna is having a girl. Me and Chres decided to name him Azontay Elijah August. Rihanna and Chris are naming their baby girl, Destiny Amaria Brown.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh, yeah, Ray and Lolo got married and it was beautiful and now they have a baby on the way. Craig and Monique have another baby on the way they don't know what it is yet though. Jacob, get this, hooked up with Lolo's cousin, Nazaria, after the wedding and, this is funny, he gots a baby on the way now. They're not dating but, they hang out a lot.

Michael and Kylie have a baby on the way. So do Nicki and Wayne. I know right, everyone's pregnant. It's crazy. I still feel like I'm forgetting something. Pregnancy brain, what can I say. Oh, it was that, over the past few months, we all got really close and all the girls decided we wanted to move in together, so, we got the guys to agree, which wasn't hard, and now we all live together. Even Nazaria.

Seven pregnant women, in one house. It's always interesting and fun. "Chres!" I yelled from the room we shared on the third floor. I heard someone running upstairs. Five seconds later, he walked in the room. "Yes, love?" He asked. I turned around so I was facing him. "Am I fat?" I asked. He shook his head fast. A little to fast. "Oh my God, I am fat. I'm so fat." I said grabbing my stomach. He kind of went in panic mode. "No, no you're not fat. You have another living person inside of you." He said.

I just continued freaking out. "Then it's your fault I'm fat." I said. His eyes widened. "Well, I mean I did get you pregnant but-" He started but I cut him off. "See, you agree with me, you think I'm fat." I yelled. He took a minute to answer so, I walked out met by all the other girls. We all cried "I'm so fat."

Then we had a huge group hug. When we let go of each other, the guys were standing there looking stupid. They just asked "how" and we all laughed. "This is why we wanted to all live together, we understand what we're going through. Guys just don't get it." I explained. All the girls went and got some ice cream. "I want water melon." Nicki stated. We looked at each other then we all yelled "Baby!" And the boys came running in.

Nicki said, "Can y'all go to the store and get a few things? And take the kids, none of us can run fast if something happens." They nod and get themselves and the kids ready as we make a list. With all the stuff we wrote down, it is gonna take all of them at least an hour. "Do y'all want boys or girls?" I asked. Nicki, Nazaria, Kylie, and Lolo, yelled girl and Monique yelled boy. We put on Unfriended and made pop corn and waited for the boys to get back.

The doorbell rang and we all went in a group to answer it. We were all scared. We answered the door and there stood...

-with the guys & kids-

*Chres POV*

The girls sent us to the store with all the kids. We had two shopping carts with just kids in them. In the first one, Altereak was in the little carseat thing for new borns that the shopping cart has attached to it. Then in the part where the groceries are supposed to go is Prehia, Royalty and King. In the other shopping cart, CJ, Trey, Aaliyah and Kaden were in the part where the groceries are supposed to go.

I was pushing the second one and Chris was pushing the first one. Michael and Craig were pushing actual shopping carts for food. Jacob and Ray were grabbing everything the girls needed. They sent like a whole page of things they needed. Pickles, ice cream in the flavors cookies and cream, vanilla with four root beer 3 liters, vanilla and chocolate swirl, strawberry and one with pecans in it. Then sour cream and onion chips, salf and vinegar chips, regular potato chips, cool ranch doritos and nacho cheese. They put 'the blue and red doritos'. Then they put orange juice, water melon, soda, Kool-Aid, tomatoes, lettuce, ham, cheese, mayonnaise, stuff for tacos, grapes, strawberries, whip cream, candy, ice cream cake and regular vanilla and chocolate cake. Then there was more.

"Y'all, I think we have everything." I said. We double checked and paid then we loaded up the mini vans. Yes, mini vans. We are a big family. All together I think we have like 16 cars. Me, Yn, Lolo, Ray, Craig, Monique, Jacob, Nazaria, Rihanna, Chris, Nicki, Wayne, Kylie, Michael and three mini vans for when we all go somewhere. So, 17.

We got home, The girls were holding each other back. It mostly looked like they were trying to hold back Yn. Someone else was there but I only saw the back of there head so, I have no idea who it was. "Y'all keep the kids outside, Craig come help me." I said before walking the house.

"Y'all let me go. I'mma hurt her so bad." Yn yelled. I stood in between them, facing Yn. I grabbed her face and said "Baby, calm down, what's going on?" She still kept trying to get to who ever it was. "Why don't you ask that hoe you call your best friend!!" She yelled. I turned around and there stood...

Cliff Hanger... I'm sorry, I just had too. But, I'm pretty sure you know who it is. Vote/comment. Let me know about character questions. I am answering all questions. Or if you have questions for me, I will answer those too.

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