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"No, baby, higher up." I tell Chres. He lifts it higher. "Perfect."

Him and Roman hang it up and I smile.

We were currently decorating for Christmas, though Thanksgiving was tomorrow.

I hand the stockings up on the fire place, then we get started on our eight foot tree. It was in the living room.

"Mommy and daddy should put on the star." Prehia says, and all the kids agree.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah." The nod.

Chres picks me up, setting me on his shoulders. He gets in the second step of the step latter so I don't have to reach so far. He's six feet, I'm only five feet and five inches. The tree is more poofy at the bottom, it would have been hard to reach the middle and get the angel on straight.

I set the angel on top of the tree, then we get down and Chres sets me on my feet.

"We did a good job, guys." I smile.

We went out and picked some new decorations since our tree was bigger. We bought a fake tree so we can reuse it. All the kids helped, with everything.

We bundle up then go outside and hang up the outside decorations. Chres and I blow up the giant Santa and get him tied to the ground so he stands and doesn't blow away. Then we do the same for the reindeer. Santo was in the sleigh, with all the reindeer. We blow up the minions that we had gotten, then start putting the lights along the roof. They weren't on then roof, but they were hanging down from it.

The kids put the lights in the bushes. They put out the Christmas gnomes and the candy canes that stuck in the ground by the sidewalk.

Then I had to cook dinner so we took a break. I love Christmas!


After we eat dinner, I start cooking for tomorrow. Well, the turkey. I had already baked the pies and cakes. I made some of the side dishes, but I have to make some tomorrow. The rest of the stuff just needs to be heated.

"Babe, are you ever going to sit down?" Chres chuckles.

"After tomorrow." I smile at him.

"Come here." He gestures for me to go to him. And I do. He pulls me down on his lap and pecks my lips. "Chill out, baby."

"I can't. There is so much to do." I smile. "We get to decorate and shop for gifts and-"

Chres kisses me to stop me from talking. "Calm down."

"Sorry. I love Christmas."

"I know, baby." He kisses my forehead. "I just don't want you over working yourself."

"I'm not."

"You think you could schedule some time in for us tomorrow? Say, eight p.m?"

"Perfect." I peck his lips. "Can we watch movies?"

"Anything you want, baby." He asks.

"Okay." I nod.

"Okay then." He smiles.


"Happy thanksgiving." I smile, opening the door.

"Happy thanksgiving." Rihanna smiles, walking in with Chris and their kids.

Chres and Chris go into the living room to watch the game.

August is the next to arrive. He brought D'Andre.

Prehia and D'Andre hang out in the living room while August watches the game with the guys.

Wayne, Chris, Uncle Wayne, Michael, August, Jacob, Craig, Ray and my brothers were watching the game, so was Chres.

"Mommy?" Aaliyah asks.

"Yes, sweetie?" I ask her.

"Can me and Harmony go outside with Tati?" Tatianna is my sister's daughter. She's around Aaliyah and Harmony's age.

"Yes, put your shoes and coats on. Stay in the backyard." I nod.

"Thank you, mommy!" They cheer.

"You're welcome." I smile.

They run to get their shoes and jackets with Tatianna. I get back to getting everything ready.

"You need help, love?" Chres asks.

"I'm almost done. Is the game over already?" I ask.

"No, but my team is losing anyway." He answers, checking a pot that was boiling. He takes care of it while I cut up the stuff for the fruit salad.


*Prehia's POV*

I laugh loudly at the joke D'Andre told me.

"Not that funny, Pre." He laughs.

"It's the way you said it."

"Okay, if you say so." He shrugs.

"How is it? Living with your dad?"

"It's okay. He's cool, and he's funny so, better than I thought it would be."

"How's your mom?" I ask him.

"Still in a coma." He frowns.

"I'm sorry, Dre." I hug his side.

"I'm okay. Everything happens for a reason." He hugs me back.

"My dad always says that." I smile at him.

"He's the one that told me."

"Aww." I coo.

"August says he's taking me to New Orleans this weekend to meet my family." He frowns.

"That's good, Dre."

"But a whole weekend without talking to my best friend? That's crazy." He jokes.

"That's what phones are for." I smile at him.

"You think they'll like me?" He asks.

"Of course, Dre." I nod.

*Roman's POV*

"Are you okay?" My mom asks, fixing my hair a little.

"Yes. I just don't really know anyone." This is my first time meeting all these people.

"Well, TJ in there is your age and you guys would get alone perfect." She tells me, turning to get the food that was cooking.

"Which one is he again?" We had been introduced to everyone, but there are a million people here.

"Red shirt and khakis." She smiles.

"Got it. Thanks, mom." I hug her.

Then I go to make friends.

*Chres' POV*

"Baby." I wrap my arms around my beautiful, amazing wife.

"Hm?" She hums.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She turns her head to kiss my cheek

Sorry it's short. I'm tired though. Thanks for reading! Vote/comment. Leave me some feedback and tell me what you think.

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