Two Weeks Later

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*Yn POV*

I think I have a stomach virus or something cause I keep throwing up. I have been for the past week. We are still on tour which doesn't help. I was thinking about going home but I can't go almost 1 month and a half with Chres, I would go crazy. Chres said that as soon as we get to New York, he is taking me to the emergency room. We should be in New York by tomorrow. Then we only have a month of touring left. I don't know what we are gonna do when he starts touring the whole world. I would love to go with him but, with all the kids, I don't think we can do that.

I jumped and ran in the bathroom with Chres right behind me. He moved my hair right before I threw up. He rubbed circles on my back until I was finished. I brushed my teeth and went and laid in bed cuddling with Chres. "Thank you for being the best most amazing husband I could ask for." I told him. He continued to rub my back with one of his hands as the other stayed wrapped around me. "You're welcome, baby."

At like five in the morning, Aaliyah started crying. I went to get her. I changed her diaper and gave her a bottle. She was still crying. "Lay lay, what's wrong?" I ask bouncing her gently in my arms. She would not stop crying. I tried getting her to look at her toys. I ended up staying up with her til seven in the morning. Then Chres came and took her. I went to bed.

I woke up to Chres shaking my shoulder telling me to get up. It was only 8. I had a total of one hour of sleep. Haha, you're very funny if you think I am gonna wake up. "Chresanto, try and wake me up one more time and I will break your hands and your face." I snapped. He huffed and walked out the room. This lil boy trynna get hit today. I got up and walked there and cussed him out. I finished it by saying "Yo' ass better not huff at me again." I walked back to the room and went to sleep, leaving him out there looking dumb. Well, do I care? Not at all.

I woke up and we were in New York. I got ready to go to the emergency room. Then I seen a note from Chres it said "Hey, babe. We went to a sound check really quick, we will be back in two hours. Love you." I replaced it with a note I wrote that said "Went to the Emergency room. Be back later. Love you all." Then I walked to the hospital.

I walked in and they took me back almost immediately cause almost no one was there. "Well, Mrs. August, what seems to be the problem today?" The doctor asked. I told him everything that had been happening and he started asking me questions. Eventually he put some gel on my stomach and the thing around. "Well, Mrs. August it seems you are about a week and a half pregnant." He said. I was so happy. I thanked him then walked back to the apartment excited to tell Chresanto.

I got back to the hotel and everyone was in the living room part waiting for me. "What happened?" They all asked. Then I started crying tears of Joy of course, and asked if I could talk to him in private. We walked to our room and locked the door. "Baby, please calm down." Chres pleaded. We sat on the bed. "Chres, I'm pregnant." I said. He hugged the life out of me. Why was I scared to tell him. "Baby, that's amazing. Why we're you crying though?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I'm so happy." I admitted. He chuckled. "Well, I told you I wanted to have another baby with you sometime between then and the next nine months. I'm happy too." He told me. I smiled at him and we went to go tell everyone. Including Prehia and the triplets and Kaden.

"So, me and Chresanto have some important news." I stated. Jacob jumped up. "You're already married. What is it?" He asked, excitedly. I laughed. "I'm almost two weeks pregnant." I said. They all were happy, then Ray said "Wait, just one right?" Everyone else said "Yeah, just one right?" I giggled at them. "It better be, or Imma cuss Chres out. That junk hurts." I said. He chuckled, but I'm serious. "Boy, keep laughing and you gon have fun by yo self for the next year. If you catch my drift." I said. He quit laughing and got serious. "You won't do that cause we both know how you get." He said. I smiled evilly. "But I would just to torture you for torturing me." I answered. His eyes widened and he hugged me. "I'm sorry for laughing." He said. I just laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. "Okay lil boy. You a little suck up." I told him patting his back. He chuckled and we all just hung out for the rest of the day.

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