Prehia Dr. Appointment

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I woke up to my alarm. I sighed and stood up. I was trying to not wake up Chres but he woke up anyway. "How long til we gotta take Prehia to the doctor's?" He asked. It was already 9 am. "We got like two hours." I said. He groaned a little and got up. "I gotta take a shower real quick." I said. He smiled. "Can I come?" He asked. I giggled. "No funny business?" I asked. He did that little boy scout thing. "Scouts honor." He promised. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Nigga, you wasn't in boy scouts." I said. He laughed."Okay, no funny business, I swear." He said. I agreed and we got our clothes together.

We got in the shower and washed each other. Chres kissed me a few times but that's it. We got out and got dressed. I wore a blue crop top and a black undershirt and some shorts that went mid-thigh. Then my blue and white Jordans. I left my hair with it's natural curls after brushing and blow drying it. I fixed Chres' hair. He was wearing kaki shorts and a black muscle tee. He was wearing black and red Nike's he bought yesterday. His diamond earrings and his gold chain. He had on his white Rolex watch. He looked hot. "You look hot." I told him. He smiled. "And that completes the outfit." I added. He kissed me. "I love you. You look beautiful, just like always." He told me. I thanked him.

I went and woke up Prehia. She was cranky. I put a pink t-shirt that said "L.A Baby" on it in yellowish orange. Then her jean shorts. Yesterday we bought her some new baby Nike's. They were pink and blue, so I put them on her. Then I put her in pigtails. I heard a click and seen a flash. At the door stood Chres with his phone, taking pictures. "My babies stay lookin fly." He said. "Thank you. Pringle tell daddy thank you." I said. She didn't answer. She done fell asleep again. I laughed and Chres got her diaper bag before we loaded up in the car and went to the doctors appointment.

After we got signed in, Prehia woke up. She was cranky and whiny. I was trynna calm her down then the nurse came out. "Prehia August?" She said. Me and Roc stood up with me carrying Prehia and the diaper bag. She led us to a room where she was checking Prehia. Prehia started whining and I tried to calm her down. It wasn't working. The nurse got annoyed. "Can you control your child?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "She's sick. So, don't get an attitude with me. It's not my fault or hers." I shot back.

"What she needs is that butt whooped and she'll stop." The nurse said. The fuck. I know this trick ain't telling me how to raise MY child. "I'm her mother, I know she is sick. If you do your job maybe we can find out why." I shot again. The nurse rolled her eyes. This bitch wanna get beat. "It ain't my fault you can't keep your legs closed." She said. No she did not. "Actually, she's adopted. You don't anything okay. I'm a virgin. Maybe if you kept your legs closed you wouldn't look like a walking STD." I half yelled."Watch who you talking to skank." She said.

"I'm not a skank." I said. I closed my eyes and counted back from ten. I was so mad I felt like I was gonna cry so I started breathing deep. I got a bad past of being called stuff like that. And I refuse to cuss or fight in front of my child. "Oh, she's breathing deep, I'm so scared." She said with sarcasm. "Bitch, you don't know me or half the shit I been through. So, back the fuck off and do your job." I said. Chres stood in between us. "Ladies calm down." He said. "Chres, she is starting on me." I told him. He looked at the nurse. "Excuse her it might be that time of the month." He joked. The nurse giggled. Now, he wanna take her side. Fine, with me. I'mma just sit my self down and shut up. Chres continued to flirt with the nurse.

The doctor finally walked in the room. I told her what happened and the nurse was fired on the spot. "I'm sorry about that." She told me. I told her it was fine and she checked Prehia. "Well, she has an ear infection in both ears. Give her this medicine everyday as it says on the bottle and she should be fine." She said. I thanked her and took the paper to get the medicine. Then we signed out and left.

Once we got in the car Chres said "You didn't have to get her fired." I looked at him then back at out the window. "You let her talk about me and Prehia like that." I said. I felt tears coming. "You didn't have to get her fired though." He told me. "Chres she called me a skank and told me I couldn't keep my legs closed. You let her talk about me and Prehia like that, then you flirt with her." I yelled. Prehia was getting upset. "Who the fuck you yelling at?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Chres, just drive." I said. He scoffed. "You can walk if that's how you want to be like that." He said. I looked at him. "YOU LET HER CALL ME A SKANK AND OTHER STUFF. I USED TO CUT BECAUSE OF THAT, REMEMBER? THEN YOU FLIRTED WITH HER. MAKE SURE MY BABY GETS HOME SAFE!!" I yelled and the tears came down. I got out the car and ran away before he could say anything.

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