First Day Married

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*Yn POV*

I woke up with my head on Chres' chest. I smiled as I thought about yesterday. Everything was so perfect. I decided to make breakfast for everyone. It was gonna look like I was making breakfast for an army. Everyone stayed here last night. I stood up and fell back down with a loud thud. "Baby, did you roll out of bed?" Chres asked. "No, I tried to walk." I told him as I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled.

Chres came and helped me up and to the bathroom. I did my hygiene with Chres. We only bathed nothing else. By the time we got out the hurt between my legs was almost all the way gone. I was still walking with a limp. I put on white Aeropostal sweat pants, a black Aeropostal tank top and white ankle socks. Chres was wearing black basketball shorts and a white wife-beater. He put on his black and white Nike's and his gold chain with the diamond square earrings he's always wearing. He looked hot. I put my hair in a messy bun and then I did Chres' hair. I just had to comb it and use mousse to tighten the curls.

I made breakfast and then woke everyone up. I asked Jacob if I could do his hair and he said yes. So, after breakfast everyone sat in the living room and Jacob sat in the floor in front of me. I used to do everyone's hair. I decided to braid his hair in cornrows. "Ouch, Yn, quit pulling my hair." He said. I pulled it easy on purpose. "Don't tell me what to do." I said. He chuckled. "Chres get your wife." He told Chres. Chres looked at us. "Nah, she's doing hair with that good brush. I ain't trynna get smacked with it." He said then laughed. I laughed and continued brushing Jacob's hair.

I finished brushing it and then started braiding. "Yn, this hurts." He complained. That was the millionth time. "Sit still and shut up or it's gonna hurt worse." I told him. He sat still and quit talking. After I finished, I made him go look at it. "It looks good, Yn." He complimented. "Thanks, it was worth the pain, wasn't it?" I asked. Jacob laughed and nodded. We walked back to the living room and Jacob sat on the couch.

I sat on Chres' lap and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. I was sitting side ways so he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "So, how was y'all's nights?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. "Y'all loud ass people." I told them. They laughed.

All the boys wanted to play basketball so I helped Ray put his hair in two braids. "Bye, bae." Chres told me. I kissed him. "Bye, have fun. Be careful, please." I said. He kissed me and said "I will. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." I told him. Then they left. All of us girls sat and talked in the living room until everyone had to leave. Then it was just me and Lolo.

"So, who did you hook up with boo?" I asked. She laughed and blushed. "Ray." She said. "Oh, I knew y'all was gonna." I said. She looked at me. "What about you and Chres?" She asked. I smiled just thinking about it. "He was sweet about it." I said. She laughed. "I knew you were so happy for a reason." She said. I laughed. We hung out and ate ice cream and pizza and watched movies all day.

Around five the guys came home. Only the ones that live here cause the rest said they had to get home. Chres sat on me. He was all sweaty and everything. "Eww, Chres get off of me. Go to a shower you smell like sweat." I said, trying to push him off of me. "But, I'm so comfortable." He said. I looked at him. "To bad." I said. I finally pushed him off of me. "Oh that's how it is?" Chres asked, standing up and coming towards me. I said "Yes." then jumped up and ran upstairs with him following me. I ran to our room and locked the door.

"Yn, how am I supposed to take a shower when you locked me out?" He asked. I unlocked the door and ran to the other side of the bed. Then I was tackled onto it. "Gotcha, babe." Chres said before kissing me. Chres pulled away and leaned on his elbows on top of me. He was looking down at me. "Take a shower with me." He said. I shook my head. "Pwease, mami." He said in a baby voice. Chres pouted and I kissed his bottom lip like he does to me. "No funny business?" I asked. He smirked. "Only if you want funny business." He said. I laughed and told him I'll take a shower with him.

After we took a shower I dressed in dark blue basketball shorts and a white tank top. I put on blue and white Nike's cause we gotta pick up Prehia later. Chres was in red basketball shorts and a black wife-beater. Once again, his gold chain and diamond earrings. I put in diamond studs and my diamond one for my cartilage. Then my lip one. My lip one was just a little stud right below my bottom lip on the right side. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and then fixed Chres' again. As soon as I finished, my phone rang. It was my mom.

(Phone Convo)

Yn- "Hey, momma."

Momma- "Hey, when are y'all coming to get Prehia? She said she wants you guys."

Yn- "We are on our way. Did you give her, her medicine?"

Momma- "Yes, she needs it one more time before she goes to bed though."

Yn- "Okay, well, we're on our way now. We just left."

Momma- "Okay, love you."

Yn- "Love you too."

We hung up and me and Chres went to get Prehia.

Once we got there, Prehia ran straight to Chres. Daddy's girl. "Daddy!" She cheered. He picked her up and spun her around. "Pringle!" He cheered back. I smiled and took a picture of them. Then Prehia looked at me. "Mommy!" She cheered and I smiled. "Baby!" I cheered back. She hugged me and I hugged her. I missed my baby. We walked in my mom's house. She told us to stay for dinner. So, we did. "So, how does it feel to be married with kids?" My mom asked as we were making dinner. I smiled and looked out the window were Prehia and Chres were playing in the back yard. "I love it." I said. My mom smiled.

After dinner we had to head home. As soon as we got home Craig took Prehia. "Prehia!" He said. She laughed and screamed and clapped. "Uncle Cwaig!" She yelled back. She wrapped her arms around his neck. I took their picture and posted it with the caption "Looks like she's an uncle's girl." I tagged Craig in it. Prehia's got Craig wrapped around her finger. Whatever she asks for he gets her. I guess it's a good then Prehia is gonna be here with them for the honey moon.

"Uncle Cwaig, guess what." She said. He looked at her. "What?" He asked. She smiled. "I missed you!" She said. Craig smiled and said "I missed you too. I was stuck with them all day yesterday." He pointed at us. Prehia giggled. They talked the whole time til' bed time. Yup, she's an uncle's girl. After Prehia had her medicine, a bath and her bottle, she went to bed.

Then me and Chres went to our room. We were sitting on the bed talking. "I think Prehia likes Craig more than all of us." I said. Chres chuckled. "I think you right. At least we know she is gonna have fun while we are on our honey moon. And probably gonna get everything she wants." He agreed. I laughed. "True." I told him. I rested my head on his shoulder cause we were sitting side my side with our backs on the headboard. "Wanna play 20 questions? I'm asking questions first." I said. He laughed. "Okay, Mrs. Bossy." He said. I laughed and started.

(A/N I'm writing it like this cause if I write, I said, he said a million times I'm gonna get confused.)

Yn- "What would we name our first daughter?"

Chres- "I don't know. Yeliah (Pronounced yuh-lee-uh) or Charity. A pretty name."

Yn- "What about a son?"

Chres- "Chresanto Romelo Lorenzo August Junior. CJ for short."

Yn- "Are you happy we are married?"

Chres- "Yes."

Yn- "Where are we going on honey moon?"

Chres- "I see what you did there. But I'm not telling you." *kisses the side of Yn head*

Yn- "Please tell me."

Chres- "Nope."

Yn- "I give up. But you know I'm gonna find out cause you told me that we gotta get on a plane which means that you are gonna have to tell someone the flight to where and then I'mma know."

Chres- "Actually, you uncle is letting us take his private plane, so I won't have to tell them cause they are already gonna know, nice try though."

Yn- "Damn it."

Chres- *Chuckles*

We fell asleep after talking for a while.

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