The Family Day

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Me and Santo are taking the kids out today. We just got home and now we are getting ready to leave again. (There outfits are in the media, they have too many kids for me to put their outfits in the media.) All the girls, so Prehia and Aaliyah, were wearing pink leggings with purple tutu's and a My Little Pony shirt. And light up tennis shoes. The boys were wearing their basketball outfits. CJ said Chresanto Jr. with '01' on the back. Trey's said Trey with '02' on the back. Altereak's said Altereak and '03' on the back. Then Az's said Azontay and '04' on the back.

"Let's go girls!" Santo yelled from downstairs. Me and the girls groaned. "I'm doing their hair, give me five minutes!" I yelled back. Santo chuckled. "Alright, alright." He said. I finished Aaliyah's bun and then made sure Prehia's was still in place. We need to take her back to school shopping. School starts in a month and she's starting kindergarden.

I held the girls' hands walking downstairs and took Az from Santo's arms. "Ay, you took my baby." Santo said, reaching out for him. I turned away from him. "Nope, he's mine." I said, making Santo laugh. "Wait, I gotta go feed the dogs." I said, running to the dogs' room. Yeah we have a room that all our dogs share. They're getting big now.

I fed all of them and then walked back out. "Alright, you ready?" Santo asked. I nod, grabbing my phone off the counter. I stuck it in my purse and Santo grabbed my hand. "I love you." He told me. I smiled at him. "I love you too." I said back.

I grabbed Prehia and CJ's hands and Prehia was holding Trey's and CJ was holding Aaliyah's. Santo had Az and Altereak's carseats. One in each hand with them already buckled in them. We got in the mini van and we buckled everyone up. "Alright, head count. Prehia start." I said, it's a good way to teach them how to count and a good way to make sure we have all the kids.

"1." Prehia said. "2." CJ continued. "3." Trey kept it going. "4!" Aaliyah yelled, then she giggled. I looked back and made sure Altereak and Az were there. Santo pulled out the driveway and started driving. Before he reached the end of the street, I remembered something. "We didn't get the strollers." I said. Santo slumped in his seat a little. "Shit." He mumbled. Then turned around and head to the house.

He got out the car and put the strollers in the back then got back in and buckled up. "Do we have everything?" He asked. I thought for a minute. "I'll be right back with the diaper bags." I told him. I jumped out the car and ran in the house. I got Prehia, CJ, Trey and Aaliyah there sippy cups with juice in them. Then I got bottles for the Altereak and Az. I grabbed diapers, underwear and extra clothes for all the kids. The triplets are just completely finished getting potty trained but, if they have an accident, I want to make sure they have extra clothes. Though, they have been doing good for the last year.

I zipped the diaper bags and ran to the car with both of them. "Okay, we're ready now." I said, buckling myself up. Santo pulled off again. "Mommy can you cut the radio on?" Aaliyah asked. I nod and cut it on. "Wait, play the oh oh oh song." She told me. I smiled at her threw the mirror then plugged my phone up. I put on Flex by Richie Homie Quan, the clean version of course. They all started singing.

"Look at our kids, taking after their daddy." I told Santo. He chuckled. "Whatchu talkin bout 'their daddy'? I'm yours too." He said, laughing. I smiled. "Boy, hush before my kids hear you." I said. He cut the radio up louder and looked at me like I was crazy. "You must be completely out of it today, babe. First you say I'm just their daddy. Then they're just your kids." Santo joked. I smiled. "Well, you can't be my daddy and my husband at the same time." I told him. "Yes I can. I play many roles in your life." He said.

I just laughed at him. "Like what?" I asked. He thought for a minute. "Hero, king, husband, daddy, best friend, other half, soul mate." Santo listed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "You are all those things, I love you, daddy." I told him, sitting the right way in my seat. "I love you too, mama." Santo told me.

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