Getting Back To Normal

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*Santo's POV*

"Babe, get up." I hear Yn say. I pulled her back down with me, careful not to hit her stomach.

"Lay with me." I tell her.

"Mm, I gotta take the kids to school, are you coming?" She asks, placing a hand on my cheek. She moves my hair off of my forehead.

"Yeah, gimme kiss." I open my eyes, looking in hers. She gives me a quick kiss, then another.

"Good morning, baby." She says.

"Good morning, beautiful." I answer, smiling at her. She smiled back at me, kissing me once more.

I got up to brush my teeth and pull on a shirt, then we left. I drove today, and Yn sat in the passenger seat, holding my hand. "We're gonna need our own school bus soon." She rubs her belly, laughing a little.

"We are," I start. "especially after these babies and the next one."

"Next?" She asks.

"Yeah, I missed seven months of this pregnancy, and I want to stop on an even number." I tell her.

"Okay, one more after this." She agrees, making me smile.

Just the kids that Yn's been pregnant, we have six, and she's been pregnant three times. Then we have three that are adopted, I love them all the same, I actually want to talk to Yn about adopting a few more. Maybe one around Aaliyah's age so she won't feel left out anymore.

"Bye, babies, have a good day. I love you." Yn hugs all of them as they get out the car.

"I love you too, mommy!" They yell back. Prehia, Niya, CJ, Trey and Aaliyah go to school together.

"Bye, I love you." I tell all of them, giving them hugs.

"I love you too, daddy." They all yell back.

After making sure they made in the building safely, I drove to Az and Altereak's day care. They actually do educational stuff there, it's kind of like a pre-school for pre-school.

"Give mommy loves." I tell them, after unbuckling them from their carseats.

They walk through the van, up to the front seat. They take turns giving Yn hugs and kisses. "Bye, guys, mommy loves you." She tells them.

"I love you, mommy." They say, almost in unison.

I hold their hands while we walk in, Yn was staying in the car. "Bye, guys. I love you." I say, kneeling down and hugging both of them.

"Bye, I love you, daddy." Az and Altereak say, kissing my cheeks.

They ran into their class, because they are in the same one, and sat at a table, immediately talking to some kids.

I stood up, walking back out, smiling to myself. We, Yn and I, did a good job with our kids.

I got in the front seat, taking Yn's hand in mine and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Have I told you that I love you today?" I ask.

"I don't think so." She answers, looking at me.

"Well, I love you very very much, Yn." I lean over, kissing her lips.

"I love you too." She returns.

"Wanna go some where for breakfast?" I ask.

"I'm not really dressed." She gestures to her clothes, sweatpants and a loose shirt, mine to be exact. It was a plain black one and grey sweat pants, and some black and white Nike slides.

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now