New Start, New Life

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I feel a sense of relief as i walk into the new home. I breathe in to be greeted with the "New House Smell". Hopefully this new life will be better than my old one.

Before moving to Germany, I lived in a small town in France. I was always seen as the odd one out as I originally came from England but we moved to France as we had more family out there.

I'd walk into school just to have things thrown at me, things like paper balls, pens, pencil and sometimes rocks. I'd get shouted at in french, when i first moved there, such as, "Rentrer à la maison!" or "Tu n'as pas ta place ici!"

I never understood why all the students hated me.

One day, i lost it. This girl, Marjory, followed me and threw rocks. So i turned around, grabbed her hair and smashed her face into a brick wall which broke her nose on impact. My parents got told by the school they alerted the police. They panicked and told me to pack my bags. Within 4 hours we were on a plane, out of the country.


I stepped out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I had to have a shower as i start my new school tomorrow.

I walk up to my bed and fall down on it. I finally have a bed i can call my own.

For the last couple weeks, Me and My family had been having to stay in hotels for weeks until my mum and dad found a house to live in and a school for me to go to.

Luckily, they found a house which is a ten minute walk from the school.

I have a good feeling about this new school, I reckon i'll find a true friend there.

My door creaks open and my mum puts her head through, "Bonjour mon amour, es-tu impatient de commencer ta nouvelle école ?"

("Hello my love, are you excited about your new school?")

I smile, "Oui maman!"

("Yes mum!")

"Pas de bagarre cette fois!" she points at me.

("No getting into fights this time!")

"je ne ferai pas ça maman !" I laugh.

("I wont do that mum!")

"Et pas de petit ami!" She points again.

("And no boyfriends!")

"Ok maman!" I throw my shoe at the door. Mum laughs to herself before shutting the door.

I hope I do get a boyfriend, i've always been told i have the looks for one. Let's just hope he's hot!!

Tu n'as pas ta place ici - You don't belong here

Rentrer à la maison - Go home

Will Holly find her true love she's been longing for at her new school?? Well let's hope he's angelic 😉😉

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