Birth, The Thing I've Been Dreading.

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I hear rushed footsteps follow up the stairs, along with a crash, "OUCH, FUCK!"

"what happened?!" I giggled.

Tom groans, "I slipped on the step" He walks into the room and holds his shoulder in pain.

I laugh until a sudden pain strikes throughout my stomach, "holy crap." i mutter to myself.

"what's wrong?" Tom asks as he walks up to me and basically holds me up.

I scoff, "Contractions come along with birth, stupid idiot- AH!" I scream in pain as i cling onto my stomach.

Tom panicked, "what do i do?!"

"Call Bill and drive me to the hospital, my hospital bag is under the bed." I breathe out, "and we best get in the car before the next contraction starts."

"um, yes! definitely, fuck." Tom panicked even more as he runs to the bed and takes the suitcase out from under the bed.

The same pain builds up again, "fuuuck, call Bill NOW!" I shout as i bend over to stop the pain from hurting so much.

Tom fumbles with his pocket before taking out his phone and speed dialling Bill.

"pick up, lazy fucker." Tom mummers under his breath.

I scoff, "don't call my husband that!"

Tom rolls his eyes but shortly after his face lights up, "Bill!"


"Yes i know you're in the exam but your wife's water sort of broke! She's in labour!"


"Again, i know it's too fucking early for the baby to be here but the baby obviously wants out."


"no bill, i will not- YOU KNOW WHAT? Just get to the hospital when you can, for fucks sake!"


"Bill, i don't know how to measure contractions!"
Tom turns his head to me, "how far apart are-"

"i'm not really doing maths at this time, I DONT KNOW!"

Tom's face grows shocked, "OKAY!" He turns his attention back to his phone, "She's doesn't know either."


"Well you wouldn't stop jinxing the fact that the baby could arrived!"


"JUST GET THERE WHEN YOU CAN! I've got to get her to hospital, like now!"

Tom hangs up the phone abruptly before turning back to me, "You need help getting down the stairs?"

"Of course i do!" I scoff.

Tom walks up to me and holds me up, "come on, LETS GO DELIVER THIS FUCKER!" He says energetically.

I look at him and pull a snarky face, he puts his

head down, "got it, i'm being too loud."

"Can we just go?!"

"Yes!" Tom says back to me before helping me walk out the room and down the stairs, finally into the car.

Bill's pov

I whine as i prick my finger with a sewing needle for the 100th time, stupid exam.

I really hope i pass this exam and can start an actual fashion company, but this is boring af.

I just want to go to bed, is that too much to ask for?

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