Pain Of Love

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The slam of a car door wakes me from my short nap.

I look to my side and don't see Bill so i'm guessing the car door slamming was him, and he obviously did it on purpose.

I feel the door on my side suddenly open as well, I turn my head and see Bill still pissed off as ever.

"we're home, we can go pick up your stuff from your house later." he says very snarky.

He goes to walk away but i grab his arm and yank him back to me softly.

"billy, earlier i wasn't in the right headset. please just forgive me and stop being like this."

He scoffs, "unbelievable."

"billy, please!"

He walks away and completely ignores me by walking inside the house. I roll my eyes and quickly follow behind him.

I walk up to Bill as he hangs his scarf and stand crossing my arms, "what the fuck, bill?!"

"don't start this again-"

"fuck you, bill!" i shout.

"no, FUCK YOU!" He turns towards the stairs and storms up them.

I scoff, "that's it, go to your room like a CHILD!"

The last thing i hear is his bedroom door slamming, making the house shake.

Tom comes out from the kitchen and tuts, "don't tell me i got up earlier than i wanted too just to make food, only for you two to fight?! You're joking, right?!"

"NO TOM!" I choke back on my tears, "no.."

Tom looks at me and frowns before walking up to me and taking me into his embrace.

"shh, it's okay." He rubs my back as he rests his head ontop of mine.

"it's not, i started it! i'll be fine, it'll be fine."

Tom chuckles, "i doubt it was your fault, bill is always on his man period!" He pulls away from the hug and shuts the front door, "now let's go eat because i'm not putting that food i made to waste."

"what even is it?" i groan.

"Brot and Brötchen!"

"that's sounds gross.."

"it's bread, holly. it's not going to bite."


After eating WAY TO MUCH Brot and Brötchen and watching way too many films with Tom, i sigh in annoyance.

Tom chuckles, "what could it possibly be now that's wrong with you?"

"i've, um, got to call someone." I say as i get up from the sofa.

"who?" Tom laughs.

"um, the abortion clinic", i sigh, "this pregnancy is breaking me and Bill, i love him to much to lose him, Tom."

He sits up in shock, "are you sure this is going to solve everything?"

"doesn't hurt trying." i say blankly with no emotion.

absolutely nothing, no tears, no laughter, no emotion is with me right now.

But im a grown up and i've made this decision for myself and Bill.

"It's for the best."

Tom leans back into the sofa, "good luck."

"thanks", i say as i walk off into the kitchen.
I take a deep breath in and lean against the counter before grabbing my phone from my pocket.

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