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We bolt to school not wanting to bump into a very pissed Marjorie.
We stop outside the school gates to catch our breath.

"Holy fuck, you punched someone!" I say very proudly.
"The bitch called my brother a dread head, of course i was going too!"
I walk up to Bill and cling to his arm, "Now do you see why i hate her?"
"Most definitely." We start walking into school.

A thousand eyes lay on me and Bill as we walk past. What the fuck is wrong with people?
"Weird boy is defo with her." i heard whispers.

I place my hands over my mouth in shock. I just revealed that me and Bill are together.
"Holly-" Bill grabs my arm.
"i'm so sorry" I run.
The tears that fall down my face freeze as the cold air hits my face.
I cry and cry but i bump into someone's chest. I look up.

Georg looks at me confused, "What's wrong, Holly?"
I fall into his chest and cry. He wraps his arms around me.
"You're okay." He rubs my back.
I feel him rest his head on top of mine. I listen to his soft heartbeat and his warmth leaps to my cold body.

I hear Bill's boots rush against the ground, "Holly!"
I feel his hands reach my back.
Georg moves his arms of me and turns me around so i'm in Bill's arms.

"i'm so fucking sorry, i didn't think before i spoke."
"that doesn't matter, my love. i want the whole world to know we're together" he reassured me.
I snuggle into his chest, hearing his relaxed heartbeat.

"Holly!" I hear the head mistress say my name. She walks up to me and Bill, "Awh, i'm sorry you feel like this." She rubs my back.
"It's fine." I mumbled into Bill's chest.
"Sorry to ruin the moment but we need a chat in my office, is that okay sweetie?"
I pull away from Bill and look up at her, "Yeah, of course"
I turn back to Bill and give him a kiss.

I follow the head mistress into her office.
"Please sit!" She smiles at me.
I sit down and she sits down at her desk.
"So your parents have called, they tell me you haven't been home since friday?" She says.
"yes" i gulp.

"So where exactly have you been staying?"
"at Tom and Bill's place" I sit up in my seat, "why? have they called you? because i'm pretty sure by the way my mum spoke to me, she didn't want me back at home."

"Well she does, she was crying down the phone to me. She said you need to come home because she miss you, and that she didn't mean anything she said."

"whatever" i roll my eyes.
"If i call them into school, will you be willing to talk to them?"

They are my parents after all.

"Right, you go to lesson and i will call you out when i'm ready for you!" she smiles.

I walk out into the empty corridors and slowly make my way to class.
I see someone leaning over holding their side, obviously in pain.

Wait, is that BILL?
Panic sets through me, fuck! what's happening?!
His head is in his hands.
"Bill?" I run up to him.
I get to him and see he's crying.
"baby, what's wrong?"

He says nothing and falls into my arms.
His legs give way making both of us fall to the ground.
"Bill, you're worrying me."
He continues to sob, "they, um" he couldn't get his words out.
"They what Bill?"

I pull his face away from my shoulder, revealing cuts and bruises all over his face.
I gasp, placing my hands over my mouth.
"they said i stole their girl."
"what? who's they?" i say grabbing his arms.
"Alex and Leo" The two fuck boys of the school.

"mother fuckers"
"They said that you were theirs."
"Well, i'm not Bill! Because i love you and only you! i am your light and you are mine, we're meant for each other!" I hold his face.

He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and smile against his lips.
"Now come on, let's get you to the nurse."
I stand up. I grab his weak body, helping him up
off the floor. He wraps his arm around my shoulder for support and we start walking.

"You wanna hear something funny?" i say.
"Well basically, my mum called into the school saying i haven't been home since friday, implying i ran away."
"but she kicked the both of us out??" he says confused.

"I know! So now my mum and dad are coming into school and we're having a chat." i laugh.
"Well what are you going to say?"
"If she can't handle the fact we're together, i'm not coming back and i won't until she does."
"kinda hope she doesn't because me and Tom are loving having you at our house."

I smile up at him, "aw, you two are adorable."
We reach the nurses office.
"hallo!", she turns around and see Bill, "Oh gosh, what happened to you, boy?!"
"he got in a fight with a big scary bear!" i joke around.

"as cool as that is, i got beat up by Alex and Leo." Bill chuckles.
The nurse takes Bill from my arms and puts him on the bed.

"Well i'll make sure the head mistress hears about that." The nurse reassured him.
She starts cleaning up all the cuts.
"ah, fuck!" Bill jumps.

I go up to him and grab his hand, "you big wuss."
He rolls his eyes at me and smiles.
"So young lady, shouldn't you be in class?"
The nurse asks.
"No, the head wants me for something so she said i didn't have too."

complete lie.

"Ohh, okay."
She cleans up the cuts and Bill squeezes my hand.
She places a plaster on the big cut and finished up.
"Well there's not much i can do about those bruises, i suggest ice packs and painkillers." She smiles at Bill.
"Well, um, what about this one?"

Bill lifts up his shirt, revealing a massive bruise on the side of his ribs where his tattoo sits. He groans in pain.
"holy fuck! why didn't you show me that, Bill?" My hands fly to my mouth.
"Because i know how you react to these things."

The nurse walks up to him with an ice pack, "Keep this on the massive bruise, it will help."
She places the ice pack on his side, making him flinch.

"So, if you two don't mind me asking, are you two a thing? Because i've been hearing all the gossip that went on this morning" The nurse smiles.
I walk up to the bed and sit next to Bill, "Yep!"
He kisses my forehead.

"Aw, well i'm happy for you two, unlike some people." She turns to us, "I know that Majorie, Livy, Alex, Leo and loads of other people have been giving you grief but they're just jealous that you two are happy. Just ignore them, i've worked here many years and seen couples like you two and people like Marjorie. The couples always end up happy, successful and with children. But the people like Marjorie end up on the streets as junkies." She laughs.

Me and Bill look at each other in disbelief as what she just said.
"You both didn't hear me say that." She points at us.
"I didn't hear anything did you, holly?" Bill turns to me.
"Didn't hear a word."

The nurse smiles at us before turning to the ringing phone.


"Hallo, have you seen Holly anywhere?"

"She's in my office"

"Please send her to mine, her parents are here."



The nurse puts the phone down, "Right, the head mistress wants you."
"oh" i sigh.
"I'll be fine, love." Bill turns to me.

I give him a quick kiss on the lips and get up.
"bye!" I wave.
They both wave back and i leave.
I walk down the empty corridors, the wind's whistle fills the silence.

I walk up to the door and hold the handle.
I take a deep breath in and open it.

My eyes meet with my very distressed mother's eyes.

This is going to be a long conversation.


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