When Lost In The Darkness

614 24 13

11:35 pm

i'm awoken by the front door slamming.
I look down at Bill, making sure he's asleep.
Then i remembered, the door slammed. fuck, is there an intruder??

I think of all the bad things that could happen.
Panic soon sets down as Tom walks in the front room.
He chucks his jacket on the sofa.

"what?" he almost snarls at me, he flops on the sofa and play the tv really loud.
"Tom, what the fuck? Bill's sleeping." i say.
"don't care!" he sulks like a two year old.
I grab the remote and turn the tv off, "Look i'm sorry you feel that way, but it's not okay to treat your brother like that because of it." i shout but not loud enough to wake Bill up.

Tom looks up and plays with his lip piercing. I soon see tiny tears dropping down his face.
"Tom, I-"
"look, let's just say i'll never stop loving you, i can't stop loving you. if he dumps you, you know where i am." he interrupted me.
"But Tom, i'll never stop loving him" my voice breaks.
"i know", he puts his head down, "i'll never win at love."

"Yes, you will! i didn't think i could but look at me now." i smile to him.
"Whatever." he gets up and storms out the room.
"I WAS BEING FRIENDLY!" i shout as Tom walks up the stairs.

Bill jolts and wakes up. He looks up at me with his makeup smudge eyes, "what happened?!"
"Tom came back home and exploded." i scoff.
"I'll go talk to him." Bill gets up.
"Good luck!" I kiss him before he goes upstairs.

11:45 pm

Bill and Tom have been fighting like cats for about ten minutes now. Their poor neighbours!!



it goes silent.
I sit up confused and concerned, why has it gone silent?

Then, a massive thud booms through the house.
I get up from the sofa and shoot upstairs. I make my way to Bill's room thinking of the worst.
I open the door, out of breath.

"what the fuck was that?"
They both look at me.
Tom's eyes full of confusion, Bill's eyes full of fear.
"what's wrong??"
they stay silent.
"fucking tell me now!" i shout.

Bill steps out the way, revealing a now broken bookshelf. Underneath the bookshelf, i see something shine. I go closer and a lump forms in my throat.
"my.. necklace." i hold the necklace that my grandmother gave me.

The impact of the bookshelf broke it.
"Holly, I-" Bill stutters.
Tears fall from my eyes.
"why is she crying?" Tom says, now concerned.
"who threw the bookshelf??" i whisper.
"i did, why? you're concerning me, holly." Tom says.
"You broke the only thing i have left of my grandmother!" i shout at him.
Tom steps back, now his eyes full of regret.
"I HATE YOU!" i storm out Bill's room.

"Holly!" i hear Bill shout.
I run downstairs. I grab shoes and quickly put them on.
"Holly! Wait!" I hear Bill shout as i run out the door.
I run down the street as fast as i can, hearing Bill's footsteps as he runs after me.
I find a park and hide behind a tree. I hear Bill's footsteps go the other way.

The panicked "HOLLY!" gets quieter.
I slouch down the tree and cry. I reach into my pocket, taking out my flip phone and the broken necklace. I open my flip phone.

25 missed calls from Billy🤍 11:54 pm

10 missed calls from Tommy 🎸 11:53 pm

2 missed calls from Dad🤘🏽 09:27 pm

6 voice mails from Billy🤍

3 voice mails from Tommy🎸

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