Am I In Love??

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TW⚠️ Mention Of Ed

I reach into my pocket to grab my flip phone.
I flip it open.
I open it in curiosity.

"Well hello there, stranger ;)"
I can feel Bill's smug look through my phone.
"what's up, Bill?"
"How'd you know??"
"you're the only person other than my mum who has my number idiot"
"How adorable!"
"Shut up"

I read his messages not realising the massive smile on my face.
"Is that Bill?" My dad chirps up.
"Oh um, yeah" i chuckle.
"You like him don't you?"
"WHAT? NO!" i defended myself.
"OKAY! Calm down, i was only asking!" My dad held his hands up.

I roll my eyes and look back at my phone.
"So what are you doing right now??"
"eating grapes and talking to my dad"
"I felt that eye roll through the phone"
I laugh again.
"i have homework to do"
"So do i, unfortunately"
"I'll talk to you later Bill"
"Bye Holly"
"bye :)"

I look back up and see my dad smiling.
"Okay fine! i don't know if i like him or not."
"Go on, Tell me" My dad says while clapping.
"He's perfect! Literally an angel sent from heaven! The way he makes his hair stick up in the air, the way he paints his nails, the way he does the emo black eyeshadow which i love, his style, omg he's just perfect!!"
I smile at the thought of him.
"Well-" My dad is interrupted.
"Il a l'air d'être parfait pour toi." My mum says leaning against the door way.

("He seems to be perfect for you.")

"Merci maman" i smile.

("Thank you mum")

I get up to go to my room. I walk past my mum and she stops me.

"Envie d'un plat à emporter pour le dîner ?" she questioned.

("Want a takeout for dinner?")

"Bien sûr!" I shout excitedly.

("Of course!")

I run up stairs happy for once. In France, i'd come home from school and isolated myself.
At one point the bullying got that bad, i stopped eating. I was skin and bones for months. I'm a lot better now, i've had lots of therapy sessions. And even though i moved from France, my therapist said i could text or call her at any time. She's a very nice woman.

I grab my bag and take the homework that Mrs Müller (8a teacher) gave us earlier. It was maths work, i'm not the worst at maths. I peacefully write down the answers when i hear a buzz in my pocket again. I flip open my phone and it's a text from Bill.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS 14 x 3??"
"are you serious? i thought you hurt yourself!"
"What is it? i'm so confused right now."
"do 10 x 3 then 4 x 3 then add them together"
"Such a lifesaver, i owe you one!!"
"Do you understand German??"
"a bit, why?"
"Do you know what a Ficken is??"
"Well let's say i owe you one ;)"
"oh okay!"
I put my phone down and think what that could be.
I continued my maths work.

7:45 pm
I finished my dinner and flopped on the sofa.
"I think i'm going to have a food baby" My dad groan.
"Aww, what's the gender?" i sarcastically said.
"It's a potato" he joked.
"Congrats!" we both laughed.
My dad turns on the tv and we watch top of the pops.

A buzz comes from my pocket. I flip my phone up.
"I'm bored" Bill texts me.
"how is this my problem?"
"Because i'm your only friend right?"
"okay, you win"
"i can feel your smirk through the screen."
"What lessons do you have tomorrow?"
"Maths, double art, English and Science"
"YES!! we have the same lessons holly!!"
"Sorry to cut this short, i gtg"
"you were the one who texted me"

I laugh and put my phone down.
"Right, i need sleep bro" i joke to my dad.
"Alright bro, goodnight" My dad high fives me.
"Bonne nuit!" i shout.
"Bonne nuit!" My mum shouts back.

I walk up to my room. I scramble through my draws for pjs as my mum unpacked all my bags.
I pick up a matching set of black silk pjs. I walk into my bathroom, brush my teeth, put my pjs and wash off my makeup. My phone buzzed against the counter.

"I'm bored, again holly"
"I'm going to bed Bill"
"What am i supposed to do?"
"i don't know, go hug Tom or something?"
I walk out of my bathroom and place my phone on my bedside table. I sit in bed and tuck myself in. I fall asleep thinking about one person and one person only, Bill.

*The Next Day*

6:15 am
ugh, not again.
I stretch my arms up in the air and yawn. I make my way to my wardrobe and pick out a white top that says "Not My Problem 💋" and match it with low rise, dark jeans. To top it off, i found an old chain to wrap around my waist. I walk into the bathroom and chuck my outfit for the day on the floor. I can't be arsed to do anything so i leave my hair down and let it flow. i do another eye look that's trending now.

(like this)

I get change into my clothes and brush my teeth

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I get change into my clothes and brush my teeth.
I run downstairs and realise i was the first one up. I grab an apple and start munching. I feel a buzz in my pocket, surprise it's Bill!

"Morning Holly"
"Morning Billy"
"So i'm Billy now??"
"what is it you want??" i text annoyed.
"Calm down, i was going to ask if you want to walk to school with me??"
"I thought you take the bus?"
"It's not running :,("
"aww, poor you!"
"Can i or not??"
"Of course! I live at 23 Webber Drive"
"Cool i'll be there in ten"
"Don't ring the doorbell! Just text me when you're here!"

I munch on my apple some more. I get up and pack my school bag. I touch up my makeup and hair. I took a cereal bar from the cupboard to munch on the way to school. I grab my phone from my pocket as it buzzed.
"I'm outside and hurry up, i'm cold!!"

I laugh at my phone. I make sure i have everything before leaving the house. I open the door to a very cold Bill.
"It's not that cold" I laughed.
"It's freezing!!" Bill shivered.
"It gets a lot colder in France, trust me"
I step out the door and hugged him. He hugged me back.
"What's this for?" Bill chuckled.
"I don't know, keeping you warm i guess?"
"There's more things you can do to keep me warm" He mumbled.
"Huh?" i questioned as i didn't hear him.

We walk down the gravel path lead to the end of my driveway. I look back to see my dad looking out the window, watching me and Bill leave. He raised his eyebrows before leaving the window.
I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"So why aren't you walking with Tom to school??"
"He wasn't feeling 100% this morning so he stayed off and i didn't want to walk to school alone." He shyly says.
"Aww!" I wrap my arm around his.
I soon remembered i have a cereal bar in my pocket so i take it out and unravel it. Before i can talk a bite, Bill leans down and eat a bit of it.
"Hey! That's another thing you owe me!" i shouted.
He laughed, "I'm sorry, i'll buy you another one."
"Good" i say scrunching my eyebrows.
I look up at him, admiring his side profile. Ugh, this boy drives me crazy.
We get to school, both look at each other and sigh.
We both DONT want to be here.

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