Late Night Talking

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I rest my head on Bill's lap and flick through a magazine while Bill watches the football, boring.
"oh bill look, britney spears shaved her head-"

"Das hättet ihr reinstecken können, Idioten!" Bill shouts at the players that didn't get the ball in the goal.

(You could have put that in, idiots!)

I look up at him, "Kontrolliere deine Wut."

(Control your anger.)

"Was auch immer und seit wann kannst du Deutsch sprechen?" He looks at me shocked.

(Whatever and since when can you speak German?)

"I had german lesson in my last school, came in handing seen as i live here now." I shrug my shoulders.

"So why were you confused when i said words like lecker and ficken?" He looks down at me.
"Because they didn't teach us the word fuck, Bill! They are so strict in that country and i guess i was never taught the word lecker."

I look back up and realise Bill wasn't listening to a word i was saying.
He was too invested in the tv, typical boy.

I roll my eyes and get up off the bed. I walk over to my wardrobe and rummage through my draws, trying to find a pj top. I slam my hands into all my clothes annoyed.

My eyesight soon gets covered by something red. I take the fabric of my head and see that it's Bill's top.
I turn to him and see him topless.

I still get butterflies even though we're together.

"Use that, my love." He smiles.
"After i get changed, you're getting changed and i'm help whether you like it or not because i know how determined you'll be to do it by yourself." I point my finger at him, like a mother telling off her child.

"you really do know my weaknesses." he crosses his arm like a sulking toddler.

I laugh to myself and turn back to the wardrobe. I take my top and my pants off. I take my bra off and chuck it onto my floor-drobe, leaving me in my panties. I hold my boobs in my arms and turn to Bill, "Do i look bloated? or is it just me that sees it?"

"You look fine, love! Your body is beautiful." He does a chef kiss and smiles at me.

I take the top he gave me and place it on along with some random pj bottoms.

I grab Bill's clothes from the bag i packed earlier and walk over.

"Right, stand up." I put out my arms for support.
He grabs onto my wrist and forces himself up. He winces but stops, "wait, it's not as bad as it was."
"yay, you're getting better" I press my lips against his quickly.

I grab the plain pj top from the bed and open it up. I place the top over Bill's head, leaving it on his neck.
I grab the arm on the side of the bruise, "this is going to hurt like a bitch."
I slowly lift his arm up to the arm hole of the top.
"ah!" he whines.

Out of pain, he grabs onto my hips which instantly turned me on. I think to myself for a second, i think to myself about Bill and all the things i want him to do to me.

I put his arm through, "the hard part is done, baby"
"thank fuck! stupid bruise."
I place his other arm in the top and straighten it out. I kneel down a bit to undo his jeans.
"i like you from this angle." Bill says in a lust voice.

Furry takes over my body and i slightly punch the bugle in his pants.

Not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to do something.

He leans down, cupping his dick in pain.
"AH, HOLLY!" He groans.
He straightens himself up, "don't do that!"
"i'm sorry."
To tease him, i lean forward and kiss the bugle in his pants. I look up, smirk and bite my lip, letting the lust from him grabbing me like that take over.

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