And How It Changed My Life

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I close my eyes not, wanting to open them.
I hear car breaks slammed, like they did when Antonie and Louis got hurt.

"You guys alright?" i hear Tom shout.
Relief washes over me.
"Holly, what's wrong?" Bill questioned.
"That's how they died." i whisper.
"What?" he pulled me into his chest.
"Antonie and Louis" i cried.
He rubbed my back, calming me down.
"Who's Antonie and Louis?" Tom sounded confused.

"Her-" Bill goes to say but i interrupt.
"They were the best people into the world. But a couple years ago, they died" I turn to Tom, "by a car, just like what was about to happen to Georg and Gustav."
Toms eyes widen, "Jeez."

"I'll never forget that day. How i saw Antonie's lifeless body and how Louis died in my arms. But i never remember them in sadness but in happiness." I smile at the thought of them.
"Come on, let's get you inside."

I sit on the sofa and Tom sits next to me.

"Tell me more about Antonie and Louis."

"Antonie's family moved away shortly after his death.
They had his funeral then left, they didn't seem that sad. So i visited his grave everyday after school and i'd tell him about my day. I sound crazy but it gave me comfort.
Louis's family would reach out to mine asking if i was alright and everything. They invited my family over for afternoon tea quite a lot. After going to Antonie's grave, i'd go to his and tell him about my day as well.
A couple hours before we left, Louis's mum came over and gave me this."

I take off a necklace that hanged from my neck. I opened it, in it sits a photo of 8 year old me, 9 year old Antonie and 9 year old Louis.
"It was Louis's birthday that day", i point to Louis in the photo, "that's why his face is covered in cake as me and Antonie dunked him in it." i laughed.

"She also gave me this" I show Tom a bracelet that says, "One day at a time"

"Louis always said that, especially when the bullying got bad. I honestly don't know how i'm managing to live without them, they kept me going. Their death was sudden and how it changed my life. But i'm glad i didn't give up."

"Whys that?" Tom questions.
"Because i have 3 wonderful new friends and an amazing boyfriend!" I smile.
Tom smiles back at me.
I feel pair of arms wrap around me from behind, "So i am amazing?" I hear Bill say.
"Duh" I roll my eyes.

TW: smut⚠️

3:04 pm

I lay on Bill's lap, yawning out of laziness. Since what happened earlier, we've been watching tv all day.
ugh, i need the toilet but i'm so comfy.
I groan and eventually get up.
I go to walk to the bathroom when a sharp stink hits my ass.

"hey what-" i turn around and see a smug look on Bill's face.
"RUDE!" I jump onto him and straddle his hips.
I start playfully hitting him. I hear Tom laughing at us. He holds my hands, trying to stop him.
"Tom, grab her!" i hear Bill shout.
I feel Tom's hand wrap around my ankles.

"what are you doing?" i say as Bill flips us over so he's on top of me.
Bill stops and stares at me before tickling me.
"AHH STOP" i say between laughs "TOM, STOP HIM!"

"sorry, can't do that" i hear Tom laugh.
I laugh until i can't breathe. I start hitting Bill wanting him off of me.
"OKAY, YOU WIN!!" I say to Bill.

He stops and lets me get up.
He stands up beside me so i take the opportunity to push him down on the sofa. I feel two hands grab my waist and pull me down.
"BILL!" I laugh.
"Just stay!" he says putting his head on my shoulder.
"i need the toilet, dummy."
"Fine but come right back!" Bill says.

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