I'm Happy For You

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12:40 pm
Lunchtime. Ugh.
In my old school, I hid in the toilets and ate so i didn't have to deal with everyone else. So i thought the same here. I make my way to toilets.

"Hey" I was stopped by a hand on my arm. I wish people would stop doing that. I'm expecting a teacher stopping me for going to the toilet to eat but i'm greeted with..
"The lunch hall is that way" he says in a "duh" tone.
"Oh, yeahh" i say in a "i knew that" way.
"I get it you're new but how do you miss a very big obvious sign that says "lunch hall"?" he questioned.
"I- um-" words couldn't come out.
"Look, i've been there before. Eating in a toilet and isolating yourself isn't the way to go."
"I know, i know" i say on the brink of tears.
"Come on, come with me and i'll introduce you to my twin and friends." he held out his hand. I took the offer and we went to the lunch hall.

He brought me to a table and sat there was a blonde boy with short hair, a brown haired boy with long hair and..
"Bill? I thought you two look weirdly similar." i say confused.
"You've met him already?" Tom and Bill say in sync.
"Um okay weird but yes, Tom helped me to my class this morning and i sit next to Bill in basically every class."

The boy with long hair looked at the boy with short blonde hair and laughed.
"Shut up Gustav and Georg" Tom spat.
woah, they have cool names.
"Come on Holly, sit next to me." Bill patted the seat next to him. Me and Bill were sat at one side of the table and the other sat the opposite side.

"So Holly, where have you come from?" Georg asks.
"Well I moved from France a couple weeks ago, which is a shame because it's really beautiful, and don't get me wrong Germany is just as nice!" i said panicked towards the end.
"We're not going to take offence if you say France is better" Bill squeezed my hand.
"In all honesty, we agree!" Gustav pipes up.
We sat there and listened to Georg go on about his girl problems. It was quite interesting.
"She definitely likes me"
"Georg, she has a boyfriend"
"Whatever, that doesn't matter-"

And it's like everything around me goes quiet as i feel a hand be placed on my thigh. I look down to see Bill's hand. How perfect even just his hand was, the way he painted his nails black, how his fingers fit the rings that lay on them perfectly, how his veins show through and how boney his hand is.

"HOLLY?!" i hear my name being shouted.
"AHH! WHAT?" i shout-whispered.
"if a girl gives you a pencil, does she like you back?" Georg asked, i genuinely thought he was joking.
"What? No, she was just giving you a pencil" i laughed.
"I TOLD YOU!" Shouted a very happy Tom.

Bill grip got tighter on my leg, I could feel his smirk from here.
"So what's everyone got next lesson?" Gustav asks to change the girl problem subject.
"I have maths" said an unamused Georg.
"Same" Tom moaned in disgust.
"I have pe" said Bill.
"So do i" I could cry, i hate pe.
"Well i have art" Gustav held his chin up in pride.
"shut up."

1:35 pm
I walk to the changing rooms as slow as possible because i do not want to be here. I walk in and get changed into the school pe kit which was a blue top and a skirt. Not my style but okay.

"fuck" i shake my bottle and there's nothing in it. I walk out onto the field to the water bottle station. I press the button and water starts filling up my bottle.

"Holly, right?" Said a familiar voice. I look back to see Marjorie.
"oh, hey"
"Coach told me to say she knows it's your first day but you still have to do laps like everyone else."
"Oh, okay-" i was cut off by another voice.
"Hey, Holly! Coach wants you over with me!" thank god, it was only Bill.

He holds out his hand and i gratefully accept it. I've only know this boy for a couple hours yet it feels like years. We walk over the fence of the field and start running close to that so we're away from everyone.

"Marjorie is bad news, you don't want to be friends with her." Bill said sternly.
"She's seems nice"
"She's not!"
"How do you know?" i take a sip of my water.
"She's Tom's ex and when they were together, she was controlling as fuck. When Tom called off things with her, she started doing some weird stuff to him and our family. Tom got so depressed because all of it was too much so he isolated himself even from me and he never does that."
"Is he alright?" i say concerned.
"He's doing better than ever." Bill smiles at me.
"You two! Enough of the chit chat, you're behind everyone else!" The coach shouts at us.
We both look each other before speeding off.

3:30 pm
Phew! The first day at the school was okay, it went better than I thought. I grab my bag and head out of the classroom. I see Bill and smile to myself as i know i have a friend already.

I feel someone nudge me as i was walking.
"Ha, you can't seriously be falling for the weird boy!" Ugh, Marjorie. She has to get in everyone business.
"No, i'm not!" I say in a pissy way.
"Well if you do get with the weird boy, tell him to tell his brother i'm free anytime" she winks then walks away. I look back to see Bill had left where he was before.

I rack my brain thinking where he could be. Ah, ha! He told me earlier today he takes the bus to school and back. I run as quickly as I can to the bus stop. I see his tall, skinny figure and find a sense of relief.

I tapped his shoulder, "How rude of you to not say bye to me" i say in a jokey way.
"Did you run??" Bill laughed to himself.
"Whatever", I grab a pen from my pocket and reach for his hand, "here's my number!" I say with a smile.
"Moving a bit quick into it, aren't we?"
"Shut up" I roll my eyes.

I turn around to go back home. Then, my arm gets yanked and before i know it, Bill is hugging me. Butterflies roam my stomach as i breathe his cigarette smell in. I wrap my arms around him. I feel his hands slowly creep down my back to my hips and before he could reach my ass, I pulled away.
"Uh, make sure to text or call me!" I quickly run away so he doesn't see my rosy cheeks.
I check my flip phone for the time. Shit! I need to be home in two minutes. Oh god, i'm never going to make it!

3:42 pm
I run up the gravel path leading to my house and open the door as quickly as i can.
I shut the door and see my mum. Crap, i hope she isn't mad.
"Oh hé, chérie" she smiles.

("Oh hey darling")

"Je suis vraiment désolé de ne pas être revenu à temps, je n'ai pas pu retrouver mon chemin!" I say out of breath from running.

("I'm really sorry I didn't get back in time, I couldn't find my way back!")

"Tout va bien, chérie, ne t'inquiète pas" My mum laughed.

("It's okay, darling, don't worry")

"Phew, thank god" I sigh in relief.
"She's home!" My dad comes running down the stairs with his arms out.
"Hey, Dad" I smile and hug him.
"How was it, my little chick pea!?"
"It was okay but I made some friends!" I pulled away from my dad.
"Cool, what are the girls names?" My dad asked while signalling me to go to the kitchen.
"Oh um, they're not girls."

My mum stop cleaning for a second to process what she heard, "What?" She said in think accent.

"Long story short, I got put next to a boy named Bill first thing this morning and he's a lot like me, he's not bad at all! He also has a twin brother named Tom who helped me find my class this morning. They both then introduced me to their friends Georg and Gustav." I said hoping i wouldn't get my head chopped off.

"Pas de garçons à la maison sans ma permission!" My mum shouts before angrily slamming her cleaning towel on the floor.

("No boys at the house without my permission!")

"Je ne le ferai pas, maman!"

("I won't do it, mum!")

My dad looks at me with this expression: 😬
"Shut up" I laugh.
"Bill seems like a nice boy."
"He really is, she just needs to give him a chance!" I shout deliberately so my mum would hear.

"I'm happy for you, my little chickpea! You seem happier already." My dad smiled.
After munching on some grapes from the fruit bowl, I feel a slight buzz in my pocket that came from my flip phone. I wonder who that is??

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