Eight Months Flew By Me

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8 months pregnant and absolutely thriving!

These last eight months flew by me, i swear.

Lots of amazing things have happened in these eight months.

Such as me and Bill converted one half of his room into the baby's, Bill and Tom spent hours fighting with each other while building the baby bed, the changing table, etc.

I spend a BUNCH of money on baby clothes, i brought them in all different sizes so me and Bill don't have to buy the growing baby clothes every week.

Moving on from the baby!

Bill finally decided on what he wanted to do as a
job, a clothes designer!

He makes clothes and models walk his clothes down the runway, once Bill even walked his own clothes! He looked so beautiful, like an angel walking on earth.

He also got rid of his dreads and now has a mohawk look which i love even more than the dreads.

I missed his spiked hair, like crazy.

Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav re-started up their band, after talking for months about it.

Bill made a promise to me and Tom if he ever felt how he did when they last hit fame, he'd come speak to us.

I haven't had contact with any of my family for these past eight months and that's for the best.

My mother has tried to have contact with me but i simply ignored her.

It's safe to say i'm happy with my new little family.

Just me, Bill, Tom and soon to be, the baby.

I like this little family, the only family i have actually ever liked.


I flutter my eyes open slowly, examining the room around me.

Bill's room looks different now, with all the baby stuff and my stuff since i moved into his house.

I turn myself over and face a sleeping Bill, he sleeps so peacefully with his hand on my pregnant stomach.

oh, how i love this man.

I lean up and softy peck his lips, trying not to wake him seen as he's had a stressful week with  all the clothes designing.

I slowly get up out of the bed and swing my legs
over the edge.

I place my hand on my stomach as i get up from the bed, since as it aches like crazy to move right now.

I walk over to the wardrobe and look through it for a jumper to put over the top of my vest as i don't want to get cold but i've got to find one that matches my juicy grey joggers.

As i flick through the wardrobe, i hear a groan from behind me.

"come back to bed, love." Bill speaks sleepily.

I turn back to him, "baby wants food, no."

"just get Tom to bring something up, come back to bed."

"pfft, like Tom would be up this early."

Bill sighs, "fair enough."

I find one of Bill's old, zip up jumpers and place it over my body.
I walk over to the bed where Bill is and sit down next to him.

I place my hand on his face, "go back to sleep, love! you need it." I lean down and kiss his lips softly.

"only because i love you." He mumbles against my lips.

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