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"Oh ma chérie !" My mum says on the verge of tears.

(Oh my dear!)

She hugs me tight.
"You better do something about it, we had to move from France because of bullying and we don't want to move from here, she loves it here!" My very angry Dad says.
"I assure you sir, it's being dealt with."
"Good! Come on my little chickpea, we're going home." My dad rubs my back.
I walk to my dad's car when i hear my name.

"Holly! Wait!" I see Bill running with my bag.
"hey" i say shyly.
"You still coming over later for the presentation?" he questioned while giving my bag to me.
I look back at my mum from approval. She nods with a smile on her face.
"Of course!" i smile.
"Okay good, I'll come over to pick you up."
"You sure?" i question.
"Yes" He smiles then hugs me. I reach up to his height and hug him back. I give him a discrete kiss on the cheek before running to the car. I look back at Bill and his cheeks are rosy red. I laugh and shut the car door.

"Le café est si difficile à retirer des vêtements !"
My mum complains.

("Coffee is so hard to get out of clothes!")

"I know, honey" My dad said, he clearly had enough.

My dad pulls into the doorway. I get out the car and open the door to the house.
I place my school bag down and run up to my room. I go through my wardrobe and find another vest top to pair with a black flared leggings. I walk to my bathroom and place the clothes on the side. I get undressed and chuck my dirty clothes in the wash bin except from Bill's jacket.

I take his jacket and hold it up to my nose. His smell is intoxicating. I put the jacket on the counter to clean in as it only had a few paint drops on it. I grab my makeup wipes and start cleaning off the paint. I moved his jacket around and hear a clank. Me, being curious, i reach into the pocket the clank came from. I pull out a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and a flip phone.

Stupid boy, he forgot to take his stuff out before giving the jacket to me.
Something in me is telling me to look through this phone.
No, i can't! But what if??
Curiosity takes over me as i open his phone.
I go to his messages. He only has five people on there.

Tom 🎸
Georg 🎸
Gustav 🥁
Mama 🤍

wait, there's a heart next to my name??
It seems the last person he texted was Tom. I look through their messages. The recent ones read,

"so what do you think about holly, Bill??"

"She's amazing!"

"yeah, she's alright"

"No Tom, you don't understand, i think i'm in love with her"

"bro, you've know her for one day"

I place his phone down in shock. He, for sure, likes me! oh my god, i think i like him too!
I place everything back in his pocket and wipe off all the paint from his jacket. I get changed into my new clothes and put Bill's jacket on. I walk out of the bathroom, slouch on my bed and watch tv for the next four hours.

3:44 pm

After watching Keeping Up With The Kardashian's, I'm interrupted by my mum.
"Holly?!" she shouts up the stairs.
"I'm just coming!" I get off the bed, lazy as ever. I walk out of my room and run down the stairs.
"Am i in trouble-", I make eye contact with Bill who's sitting at the island counter, "Bill! You're here, why didn't you tell me??" I run up to him and jump into his arms.
"My phone is in the jacket you're wearing" He muffled into my shoulder. I pull away from the hug.
"Maman, tu aurais pu me dire qu'il était là !" I say annoying.

("Mum, you could have told me he was there!")

"Désolé chérie" My mum apologised.

("Sorry darling")

Bill looks at me shocked, "You can speak french?"
"Oui!" I laugh.
"Okay, rate my french", Bill claps, "je suis une boulangerie !"
"Bill, you just told us that you're a baker" Me and My Mum laugh.
"What?!" He seemed annoyed.
"Right, come on!" I grab his hand and rush to the front door.
"Soyez de retour vers vingt heures trente, s'il vous plaît !" My mum shouts.
"Oui, Maman!"

("Be back around eight thirty, please!")

("Yes, Mum!")

We walk out of the house onto the pavement. I look up at Bill and admire him. His perfect nose, lips, eyes, makeup. This boy is dreamy. He looks at me after he realised i was looking at him.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing!", i quickly say, "Ah! Here's your cigarettes, lighter and flip phone!"
I hand him his stuff, "So i'm not getting the jacket back??"
"Nope" i smile.

He laughs and nudges me almost into the trees next to us.
"BILL DONT DO THAT!" I slap him.
"Haha, I'm sorry." he laughed.
I can't be mad at him, he's a snack-
"SNACKS! shit, i forgot them!!" I said embarrassed.
"Look there's a shop over there!" Bill points.
"Perfect!" I grab his hand and run over to it. We walk in and go to the snack isle.

Bill looks at everything, "Lecker, Lecker"
It was obviously german.
"What does that mean?"
"Yum!" He exclaims.
We basically grab everything off the shelf. We walk up to the counter with our arms full. We place everything down and the lady starts scanning everything.
Bill takes money out of his pocket.
"Would you like a bag?" The bored lady said.
"Yes please!" Bill says. 
"€16.40 then-"
"Why? Since when were bags an extra euro?" I interrupted.
"Just pay up kid." she says annoyed while putting everything in the bag.
What a bitch.
She places the bag on the counter, perfect.
I grab the bag and Bill's hand, we run for it.
the cashier didn't chase us for long. Once we lost her, we stop.
"that was fucking awesome." Bill said out of breath.
I start laughing and so does he.
"Come on let's go!" i say.

We walked another ten minutes and get to Bill's house. Their house was about the same size as mine!
Bill shouts, "OH, TOM!"
"I'm right here doofus" Tom walks out of their kitchen, "Oh hey holly"
"Right", i stomp my foot, "We are forgetting about that bitch Majorie completely and after me and Bill have finished our presentation, we are all watching a film wether you like it or not Tom!"
"I like this version of you, holly" Tom smiles.
"Now don't eat all the snacks, save some for us!" I handed Tom the snack bags.

Bill lead me upstairs into his room.
Woah, it was so cool.
Black walls, Black and Red bedding, Green day, KISS and multiple other band posters everywhere, LOTS of microphones everywhere and a bunch of cigarettes packets everywhere.
I pick up a box of cigarettes, "These aren't good for you, Bill."
"yolo" He says in a unconcerned voice while sitting down on his bed.
I roll my eyes. I place down the bag full of supplies for our presentation that i brought with me.
"So i thought we could do ours about where algebra originates from." I sit next to Bill.
"Or we could just smoke and sleep." He smirks.
"No!" I hit his chest. He laughed and laid his head down on his pillow. Laziness takes over my body and i lay next to him in the middle of the bed.

"So.." Bill pauses and looks at me, "are we going to talk about what happened earlier?"
I freeze, "I was upset and i say things i don't mean to say when i'm upset", Bill sits up, "Like one time i was so upset that i dropped my baguette, i screamed at my mum and dad "FUCK YOU"-" i was interrupted by lips meeting mine. Bill's lips meeting mine. I was hesitant at first but i kissed him back. I sat up a bit so Bill didn't have to lean down so much. I place one hand on his chest and one on his neck. He places one hand on my lower back and one on the side of my face. His tongue creeps into my mouth, his tongue danced with mine. I pulled away to catch my breath.

"I, um" i stuttered.
"you're so pretty when you're confused." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before giving me a quick kiss.
"Come on Holly, we've got to do our presentation" He gets up and smirks.

finally, it took them both long enough to kiss🫣

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