Your lips, My Lips, Apocalypse.

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TW⚠️: slight smüt

I stare at the sky in disbelief.
Bill just kissed me?? I've known the boy only a couple days and he just kissed me?? I'm in denial.
I'm soon pulled out of my disbelief trance by getting pulled by my feet.
"AHH!" i scream, "DONT DO THAT!"
He pulls me close so my legs hang around his waist, "I'm sorry" he laughed.
"You're a Chatte!" i say.
("You're a twat!")
"Oi! I understood that!" he furries his eyebrows.
"I didn't mean it" i sit up.
He smirks to himself, "You look good from where i'm standing."
I look at him confused until i realise why he said that, i realise where exactly my face is.
I slap him, "you're disgusting!"
He laughs and comes up to my ear, "i know that you want my dick, it's obvious." My mouth drops open. He wasn't wrong-
"Bill! I can't believe you just said that!" i shout in disbelief.
He shrugs his shoulders, "I didn't say anything! Now let's do this presentation!" he smirks to himself.

5:01 pm
I fall down on Bill's bed after working my ass off sorting out this presentation. Bill sat there and smoked most of the time, he did help me with some of it.
"Aww, is someone tired?" Bill takes a drag of his cigarette.
"At least i actually did some work."
His mouth falls open, "i wrote some things!"
"yes you wrote 5a + 7a, that's not a lot, Bill"
"Well, how can i re-pay you?"
I point to my lips. He smirks to himself before taking a drag of smoke and attaching his lips to mine. He blows the smoke into my mouth. I cough slightly before going back to his lips hungry. I stop and smile on his lips, "Come on, It's movie time."
"Do we have too?" He said against my lips.
"Yes, Tom needs cheering up!" I get up and put my hand out. Bill took it happily and we made our way downstairs.

"Oh, Tom!" I shouted.
We walk into the front room and see Tom slouch on the sofa with a mouth full of popcorn.
"What?" he said while popcorn flying out of his mouth. I sit next to him and hook my arm on his, "So what do you want to watch??" i ask the both of them.
"Titanic" They say in sync.
I look at them confused.
"Twin telepathy, i guess" Bill said.
I walk up to the tv and turn it on. I grab the remote and sit next to Bill. I snuggle up to his arm and turn on Titanic.
Tom looks at us, "So are you two a thing?"
I look at Bill and Bill looks at me.
"I guess so" I smile.
He smiles at me before pressing his lips on me.
"Well done bro" Tom smiles before putting more popcorn in his mouth.

An hour and a bit into the film, it got to THAT scene. I noticed Bill started shuffling around a lot. I look up at him, confused. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Instead of talking, he looked down at his pants. Of course, me being curious, i look down too.
I see a bugle in his pants and immediately knew what it was. All the possibilities i could do right now. I smile to myself, grab a blanket and put it over the both of us. I place my hand on his lower thigh and slowly drag it up his leg. I got to the bugle and cupped my hand over it. He quietly groans and puts his head slowly back. I quickly look at Tom just in case he was looking, he was too gone into the movie.

I keep my hand there and notice Bill's forehead covered in beads of sweat. I take my hand off and glide it up to the waist band of his jeans. I undo his belt and open his jeans. I slowly creep my hand down his waist, past a star tattoo that sat on his lower waist. I got to the waist band of his pants when..

"Bill bro, are you okay??" Tom piped up.
"Yeah, i'm just a bit hot!" he said rushed.
"I can always take the blanket-" I say.
"No!" He almost shouted.
Tom pays his attention back on Titanic.
I stroke my hand across his dick before taking my hand out. He groans out of pleasure.
i go up to his ear and whisper, "Later"
He sighs before going back to the film.

7:57 pm
The film finished.
"Holly, we need to finish our presentation."
"we don't-"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.
Bill opens his bedroom door and flings me in the room. He shut the door, walks up to me and smashes his lips into mine.

"Holly, you can't do that to me" He mumbled against my lips. His tongue danced with mine. He moved from my lips to my neck. He sucked and licked my neck till it hurt.
He picked me up and walked up to his bed. I get dropped down. Bill pushed against me so i could feel how hard he was.
He starts pulling down my leggings and drops them to my ankles. I grab his top and lift it off.
He then grabs mine and takes it off. I collide my lips with his, passionately making out once again.

He takes his boney hand and runs it down my bra to my stomach to my pants. He slips his hand in my pants. I gasp at the cold metal rings touching my bare skin.
"Bill wait." I stop him.
"What's wrong?" he seems confused and concerned.
"i'm still a virgin." i mumbled.
"Holly I know that, i'll take it slow i promise." he reassures me.
He continued to glide his hand down. He gets to my slit and inserts one finger.

"Oh!" Bill covers my mouth not wanting Tom to hear. He inserts another finger.
"fuck!" i moan into his hand.
He moves his fingers in a fast pace and i get a weird feeling near my clit.
I turn my head to the side and see the time on Bill's alarm clock.
"Bill" i say into his hand and he obviously doesn't hear.
I slap his chest slightly and he removes his hand.
"i need to go, it's 8:15 and i need to be home by 8:30."
"Do you have to go??" He buries his head into my neck.
"Unfortunately, but i promise another time." I smirk.
"That's my girl" he speaks into my neck.

He pushes his fingers one more time into me before taking them out.
We both get changed and creep downstairs. Luckily, Tom's in a food coma considering the amount of bags of popcorn he ate. We both laugh before headed out the door.
Bill interlocks his hand with mine.
I rest my head on his arm, "You know, i've never done anything like that" i say.
"Well, get used to it" he smirks at himself.
I slap him.
Bill grabs something from his pocket.
"What's that?"
"A polaroid camera, duh." he responds.
He stops in his tracks, making me stop. He place his head next to mine, "Smile!"
The flash of the camera nearly blinds me.
"Take another!" i say.
He puts his finger on the button and before he presses it, i kiss him.
The flash goes off and i feel him smile against my lips.

We get to my house and i see my not so happy mum standing at the door.
"Young Lady, it's 08:31."
"Maman, come on i'm one minute late."
She smiles, "I'm joking, Bill would you like to come in?" she says in a thick accent.
"I must get home" he shrugs his shoulders.
"Did you like coffee?" My mum asks.
"Uh, yeah i guess" Bill says confused.
"Stay right here!" Mum runs into the kitchen.
Bill stands there confused.
I lead against the doorframe, "she's getting you a coffee to go" i laugh.

My mum comes quickly to the door with a coffee cup that you get from cafe's, the paper ones.
"I don't want you freezing on your way back!"
"Well thank you!" he smiles.
My mum leaves so we can say our goodbyes. I jump into his arms, "thank you for tonight"
"anytime" he rubs my back.
He pulls away from the hug and walks off. He waves me goodbye and i blow him a kiss.
I shut the door and lean my head against it.
He's so perfect, is it too early to say i love him?

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