La La La

271 10 1

4:50 pm

I make my way up to my room as it's probably going to take me 40 minutes to get ready and pick out an outfit.

I walk into my room and go straight to my wardrobe.

Bill put on the note to wear something warm, but what does that mean?

for fucks sake.

I grab my phone from my pocket and immediately call Bill.

I place the phone to my ear and hear it ring.




Hey, this is Bill's phone! Sorry i can't reach you right now, you know what to do!


I hang up the phone and call him again.



"Come on, Bill pick up!"



Hey, this is Bill's phone-

"For the love of christ!" I hang up again as he's obviously not going to pick up and call Tom instead.

"Tom better pick up." I say to myself before placing the phone to my ear.



Yo, yo, yo! What's up, Holly?

Can you tell your brother to pick up next time?!

He's not here right now, i actually don't know where he is!

Well, i don't know what to wear to wherever he's taking me.

Well, I don't know why you're asking me for clothes advice! I'm a boy, i don't know what you like and what you don't.

Bill said to wear something warm, what does that mean?

A jumper? Holly, i really don't know why you're asking me this.

whatever, i've got to go to pick out an outfit.

You're the one that called me!

oh, just shut up Tom!

whatever bro, bye.

bye bro.

Well, he was no help whatsoever.

I stressfully look through my wardrobe to find something at least.

Luckily, Bill had left his black and white striped jumper from when he was here last time.

I also find a pair of low rise, slightly flared jeans in the depths of my wardrobe too, so i pair those together.

To finish the outfit, i find a pair of fluffy ear muffs to go with everything.

I take every item of clothing over to my bed and chuck everything on it.

As i lift my arms up to take off my top, i feel a weird kicking sensation in my stomach.

"the fuck?" I take my top off quickly and look down at my stomach.

A burst of excitement runs through my body as i see tiny little feet outlines poking my stomach out.

The baby is kicking, already?!

(ik this isn't accurate at all but i wanted to write about it.. 😭)

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