So I Was Right?!

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I wrap my cold body into a towel, breathing in the fresh air.

I turn my attention to Bill who's sticking his head out of the shower door, "what? do expect me to walk around naked?! a towel would be nice, holly!"

I smirk at him, "i quite like the idea of that"

"towel, now!" he giggles.

I giggle back and chuck him the towel.

He wraps it just below his waist, showing off his star tattoo.
I walk up to him and brush my fingers over the star, "out of all your tats, this has to be my favourite one"

"It's my favourite too! But i definitely want some more." He squeals.

I turn to the mirror, "as long as you don't get any on your face!"

"shit, that's where i wanted all of them" Bill smiles at his own joke.

I roll my eyes, "take your immature ass into the bedroom and watch tv or something"

"You know you love it!" He shouts as he walks out.

I smile to myself and open my drawer to grab my moisturiser.
My eyes land on the pregnancy stick, fuck i completely forgot about it.

i really hope this doesn't break me and Bill, i love him to much to let go.

I chuck the stick back in the drawer and shut it with tears falling out of my eyes.

I thought pregnancy was supposed to be one of the best moments in your life, so why is it destroying me?
I don't think i can do this, i don't want to do this alone.

I walk to the bathroom door and open it. I stand in the doorway and look at Bill, who's laying on my bed laughing at the tv, with my watery eyes.

Bill sits up in a shock, "what happened in the two minutes i wasn't in there??"

"doesn't matter" i mumble as i make my way to my wardrobe to pick out some pjs.

"holly, something is clearly wrong! what aren't you telling me?!"

I scoff, "don't raise your voice at me"

I hear him get up from the bed so i turn around, "We've been together long enough to tell each other things now!" he readjusts the towel around his waist as he walks over to me, "whatever is on your mind, you can tell me!"

"i can't, bill! you don't understand-" I throw my hands up in the air.

"Just tell me! It can't be that bad!"



fuck it.

"IM PREGNANT!" I shouted that loud, the neighbours could have heard.
His eyes widen and he steps back.

Tears streaming down my face, "I wasn't going to tell you until after the prom, if you want to leave me i'd completely understand." I go to turn back to the wardrobe but Bill grabs my arm.

He pulls me close to him and smiles, "oh my god, we're going to be parents!" he squeals as he hugs me tight.

"oh, you took that a lot easier than i expected" i giggle.

He pulls away from me, "wait, how do you know? are you sure you're definitely pregnant?"

"follow me!" I grab his hand and drag him into the bathroom.

I reach for the drawer with the pregnancy test in it and pull it out. I place it in Bill's hands, "i took it a couple hours ago, just before you got here"

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