It's Still There

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"It's still there,
It's still there,
It's still there,
It's still there."

My brother repeats while shaking uncontrollably with his body in a ball, arms over his knees.
"Benny, ANSWER ME!"

15 minutes earlier

I dance around, with the space i have, in my small box room.

I hope we move from France, i hate how small my room is!! I can barely move in it.

The other day, i did hear my parents talking about moving to Germany!!

I'd love that, i've always wanted to live there. Like the dream place, duh!

Plus, that's where all the hot ones live.

And yes, i'm talking about that band that Benny showed me the other day.

But, weirdly, they disappeared off the face of the earth.

One day, they were touring world wide! Getting famous and all that.
The next day, gone.

No one's heard from them since.

I guess all the fame got too much so they just stopped, which is a shame because their music was amazing! And the lead singer is hot.

I ❤️ emo boys.

I should get that printed on a shirt, i reckon i'd make a few from selling it. Ha, i'm so funny!

I dance around my room to Britney Spears, singing at the top of my lungs.

"WITH THE TASTE OF YOUR LIPS, IM ON A RIDEEE!" I dance, sing and giggle all the pain away.

The pain of bullying, the pain of a drunk father, the pain of an abuse mother, the pain of a distant brother, the pain of love.

It really does last forever.

Just as i go to sing again, a car pulls into our driveway.

Seen as my bedroom overlooks the driveway, i look out.

Out steps of the car is my clearly drunk brother, really, this drunk at 10:30 pm?!

what a lightweight, benny is a lightweight! what a weirdo.

I giggle at my thoughts and lean forwards to my window, i knock on the window trying to get his attention.

Benny stumbles backwards and looks up at me through the window. I cross my arms and imitate our mother.

We both laugh at each other, but Benny's face turns from happiness to fear really quickly.

I hear the noise of the front door being flung open, which only meant one thing and one thing only.

My mother was going to hit someone.

My hands fly to my mouth when i see my mother dragging Benny by the collar inside to the house.

Oh shit.

I quickly turn around to my door and run out of it.

I run down the small corridor leading to the stairs and fly straight down them.

I almost fall backwards at the sight of my mother repeatedly hitting my brother everywhere.

"HOW", slap, "DARE", slap, "YOU!" slap.

I see Benny's eyes flowing with tears, "mum, please"

Anger and sadness builds up in me, turns on like a light switch.

My eyes well up as i scream at the top of my lungs, "GET OFF OF HIM!"

Mum stops hitting and turns to me, "You should be asleep young lady!"
She starts storming towards me.

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