Hospital Room Talking

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"Wait so you're telling me you fell on a herion needle, then passed out, woke up, dislocated your shoulder and managed to walk yourself to the hospital late at night?!" Tom sits up in his chair in disbelief.

I chuckle, "i guess i'm just superwoman."

"wait, so what happened after that?" Tom questions as he pulls his chair closer to my bed.

"Well, they fixed my shoulder and got all the bad stuff out of my body so that was good until they called my mother and services sociaux,
social services, they talked to my mother about it and she lied about the whole situation.
Guess what?! they believed her. i didn't speak to her or Benny for months after that."

"jesus, we've got to tell Bill when he gets up." Tom breathes out.

I place my hand on Bill's head as he sleeps with his head resting on my bed, "i'd rather not, he doesn't need to hear that, at least not yet."

"Well", Tom grasps his hand in mine making me turn my head, "whenever you need to trauma dump, call me or text me or whatever! i'll be happy to listen any day."

"aw, thank you."

Tom stands up and leans over to me, he gives me a friendly kiss on the forehead, "anytime, lovely."

He sits back down and smiles at me before grabbing his magazine, he flicks through it quietly and smiles to himself.

I turn my attention back to Bill and continue running my hand across his head, "billy?" i say softly.

His eyes flutter open slowly as he smiles, "you must have some sort of super power, my love."

"that's what i said!" Tom mutters as he reads his magazine.

Bill slowly stands up and sits down on the bed next to me, "any news on Benny?" He says as he places his hand on the side of my face.

I shake my head, "no, other than he's gone and hopefully for good."

"so much for him being abuse, he was an abusive person too!" Bill says as he lowers his body onto mine and snuggles up to me.

I wrap my arms around him and smile,"Everyone sometimes are not who they seem."

"don't tell me", Tom looks up from his magazine, "you're secretly a robot, that's why you can't die."

"pfft, i wish! but no, i am very much human."

Bill lifts his head up and smirks, "yeah you are." He leans forward and pecks my lip.

"keep it in your pants, how many times do i have to tell you Bill?" Tom groans in disgust.

Bill chuckles, "at least i'm in a relationship."

"at least i'm not emo." Tom mutters back to Bill.

I giggle, "stop it, ladies!"

The hospital room door creaks open, making all of us look over.

I fury my eyebrows in confusion until two familiar faces pop through the door.

"Georg, Gustav!" I smile.

Gustav runs up to the bed with a small bouquet of flowers, "how are you?!" He sits down at the end of the bed and passes me the flowers.

"a lot better now, thank you." I place the flowers on the bedside table and turn back to everyone.

Georg comes over and sits on the other end of my bed, "you had us worrying, how is the baby?"

"she's okay." i smile.

"WAIT!" Gustav shouts in excitement, "SHES?! oh, congrats to both of you!"

"god, gustav please give me some of your energy." Bill groans as he snuggles his head into my chest.

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