My Love

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My eyes widen at the sight of Holly hooked up to all different machines and plugs.

Alex rubs my arm, "You wanna see your kid?"

"i, um" I stutter, "i feel wrong seeing the baby first, Holly should."

"Sweetie, she's not going to be up for hours" I turn to Alex and she smiles at me, "and i'm sure she won't mind, come on."

I nod before walking with Alex up to the incubator where my baby is, as we do Alex chuckles, "i've only ever met the girl twice but i feel like i've known her a lifetime."

"That's my wife, she gives off that vibe! it's her thing." I laugh as i look over at Holly as we walk over to the baby.

I slowly walked over and i get slightly shocked at my child first.

She's almost the size of a newborn, just a tiny bit smaller.

She has a breathing tube and is hooked up to machinery too, but then i realise that's our child.

The child me and the love of my life created, a smile grows on my face, "She looks like her mother." I say as i place my hand on the glass.

"i thought that too", Alex smiles, "such a beautiful girl."

"my wife or the child?" I say puzzled both.

Alex chuckles, "both, you're a very lucky man."

I look back at Marley and see something, something so beautiful.

Her eyes flutter open slowly, revealing beautiful, brown eyes.

My eyes.

"Well, i'm glad she inherited something of mine." I smile.

"hm?" Alex hums in confusion.

I stutter, "her eyes, fluttered open?"

"they what?!" Alex says shocked as she puts some blue gloves on,

"oh my gosh, Bill! She's improving, they're both improving." Alex says as she opens up the incubator and starts examining Marley.

She smiles as she examines her, "She's doing so good!" Alex looks up at me puzzled, "Bill, why aren't you going to see Holly?"

"i, um", i sigh as my eyes well up, "i don't think i can."

"what do you mean?"

I put my head down in shame, "i can't see my beautiful, happy, full of life, pretty wife who's is hooked up to machines and now looks hopeless, empty with her spark gone." I cry, "i can't see her like that."

Alex shuts the incubator and walks up to me,

"and it's completely human to feel like that, but i promise you even if she's not with it right now, she'd want her loving husband next to her."

She rubs my arm, "we can do this, Bill! okay? Leave the world behind at this moment and be with her."

I wipe my tears and sniff, "you're right, god you're always right."

Alex smiles in pride, "it's a woman thing."

I laugh at her comment, "definitely!"

"now come on", Alex pauses, "you can do this."

I nod and start slowly walking over to Holly, where her body lays lifeless.

It kills me, seeing her like this.

What does this awful world have out for her?

what does it have out for our little family?

I mean, Marley has only been on this world a couple hours and it's already punishing her.

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