Paper Cuts And Bruises

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Bill walks us into the nurses office.

I hear the nurse sigh as we walk in, "might as well get you both a bed, you're in here more than i am!"

I turn my head and see her sitting at her desk, filling in paperwork.

Bill places me on the bed then sits next to me. The nurse rolls over to us on her wheely chair, "so what happened this time?"

I hold out my hands and show her my knees, "we both got thrown to the ground by Majorie."
"Majorie, again?! The girl needs to be sorted out." She grabs some tweezers out of the first aid box, "this is going to hurt."

A sharp stink flies through my hand. I wince at the pain and place my head on Bill's shoulder. He places his hand on my face, comforting me.

Pain takes over my hands as the small glass pieces get taken out of my hands.

"One hand done." The nurse places bandages over my hand. Luckily, my other hand wasn't as bad. She places another bandage over my other hand.

The nurse grabs my legs and examines my knees, "No glass, no tiny rocks, just some cuts." She takes some plasters and puts them over the cuts.
"all done my love." She smiles and rolls back to her desk, "Take the hand bandages off in two days and wash out the cuts."

We walk out of her office into the empty corridors. I look over to Bill, he's walking with his hands in his pockets with a massive grin on his face.

"what?" I hit his arm gently.

"i can't get how beautiful you looked bent over for me earlier." he places his arm over my shoulder and kisses the side of my forehead.

"dirty bugger."

We walk into the art classroom.

A bunch of 'Oooo' fill the room as Bill has his arm over me.

"Get over yourselves! You all know we're together." I snarl at all of the class while me and Bill walk over to our desk.

"Thank you Holly for that input and also that's warning number one. anyways why are you two late?" Ms L turns to us.

I scoff and turn my head to Majorie's table, "Well someone decided to push me and Bill over, causing a shit ton of glass going in my hand!" I get up off my table and walk over to her table.

I grab a cup of paint water on my way over, "not to mention, she's using Tom for his body and manipulates him to thinking she's in love with him when really she knows no other boy wants a slaggy bitch like her! And, you tried to ruin my happy relationship, well i've got news for you Majorie", she looks down as i approach her table, "nothing, not even you, is going to break me and Bill. So, fuck off and go crawl back from where you came from!"

I chuck the paint water all over her as payback. She gasps at the coldness hitting her face.

"Now you know what it feels like to be humiliated in front of a whole class, Marjorie."

She runs out the classroom crying. I turn around and sigh out of happiness. Claps then fill the room, along with "YES, FINALLY SHE GOT PUT IN HER PLACE!" by some random boy, i've never spoken to him.

I skip over to my table, up to my billy.

"Wow, i didn't think you had that in you." Bill says astonished at what i said.

"Neither did i." I laugh it off.

"Right class, calm down! Holly, warning number two", Ms L points at me, "As it is coming up to the end of school and prom for you lot, you can do whatever you please!"

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