Im In The Breeze

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I look out the window thinking of that night and how it'll haunt me forever.

I'm soon snapped back to reality by a comforting hand rubbing my leg.

I turn around and see Bill looking at me concerned, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, i'm just.. thinking." I say in a low tone.

Bill sighs, "no, i know you! that's the 'i don't want to talk about it' tone, what's on your mind?"

I sit there contemplating whether to tell Bill or not, i don't really want to bring it up as it brings trauma but i don't want him concerned.

I place my hand on top of his, "have you ever noticed that tiny scar just below my lip?"

"yeah i have! i didn't want to bring it up though, just in case you felt insecure about it."

"Well a few years ago, my brother came home drunk and my mother wasn't happy about it. When i hear the sounds of the beating from upstairs, i ran downstairs and shouted at her to stop.
As i did that, she started running towards me now wanting to beat me up.
I tried to run up the stairs but she grabbed my ankle, making me fall and smack my face against the stairs, the impact was so hard that my tooth pierced right through my lip and it left this scar."

Bill's face drops as he looks out at the road concentrating on driving, "you never told me?"

"it brings back memories i don't want to remember when i talk about it." I sigh and put my head down.

I look down at my thumbs and twiddle with them.

"jesus, when i first met your mother i thought she was the sweetest person ever"

I chuckle, "she could mask the abuse really easily, acting like nothing was wrong! everything was wrong, i had to go to therapy because of her, i starved myself because of her-" my heart sinks realising what i said.

Bill brakes suddenly and luckily no other cars were on the road.

The seatbelt crushes my stomach slightly making me wince.

Bill doesn't bat an eyelid at me but says with his voice breaking, "you don't do that now, do you?"

I hold at my stomach, "no i don't, ahh!"

Bill looks at me and realised what happened, "crap! are you okay?"

"yes, just drive! we're sat in the middle of the road!" I chuckle as the pain slightly goes away.

He puts his foot down and we zoom down the road, through the high street.

I sit there questioning where Bill could be taking me but my face lights up when i see the sight of a beach.

A calm, sun setting beach.

I sit up in my seat in excitement, "The beach?! oh my god! i love the beach!"

"why do you think i chose this place, dummy?" Bill chuckles.

Bill pulls up into a parking spot and i immediately get out when he stops.

I breathe in the fresh, cold sea breeze. I look out at the sunset, how the sky illuminates orange, yellow and a deep red.

The wind hums through my ears as two arms wrap around my waist, "happy first date, my love."

"So, are we going to take a walk along the beach?" I say while still looking into the distance.
Bill hums, "even better."

He turns me around so i'm facing him. He brings up his hand which is holding a picnic basket and blanket.

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