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A couple of days have passed since the birth of Marley, and we still haven't thought of a middle name.

We've debated a couple but we're still not sure.

Nor have we left the hospital.

It just hasn't come to us but luckily not only are we getting discharged today, i get to hold my child for the first time!

i'm so excited, seen i haven't been able to due to what happened to me.

But Bill has, he's held her and done all that skin to skin stuff which i just found adorable.

He found it weird for him to hold the baby first but after an hour of telling him it's okay, he finally did it.

Alex moved the incubator next to my bed, so i've been able to see Marley.

I stare at the beauty of my child until the opening of a door interrupted me, i turn my head and see Bill with a massive smile on his face, "hey baby."

"hey, my love."

"you ready to hold Marls?" He asks as he sits down on the bed next to me.

I sigh, "i'm sort of nervous"

"and that's fine, baby."

Bill says as he sits next to me and puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him, "and be glad you're holding her when she has no wires or machines attached to her because that was a nightmare."

"hm", i hum, "she's so beautiful."

"Like a spitting image of you, except from her eyes because that's the only thing of mine she's inherited so far." Bill chuckles.

I laugh, "i hope she has your attitude, i don't need her having my bad temper."

"I like your feisty attitude, it's what makes you."

Bill says as he wraps his arms over my neck, "and that's my fav thing about you",

He runs his hand down my body, "obviously other than this."

Bill runs his hand past my pussy through my clothes.

"piss off." I giggle as he kisses my cheek and giggles back.

We both hear the door open and turn our heads, in comes Alex with a smile on her face, "hello, love birds!" She looks at me, "you ready to hold your baby at last?"

"definitely." i smile.

She walks over to the incubator and lifts up the lid, Alex carefully picks up Marley and holds her in her arms.

"Marley here still does the 'new born scrunch' so make the most of it because it's adorable when they do it." Alex smiles as she walks up to the bed and stands infront of me.

I feel my eyes well up with happy tears as she bends down slightly and places Marley in my arms.

I hold her close to me, "our little, beautiful girl."

I say as i look up at Bill, he leans forward and kisses my lips, "isn't she just?"

I smile, "and i think i know the perfect middle name for her."

Alex sits down next to me, "what is it?! i've been dying to know!!"

I look up at Bill then back to our baby, "Marley Alex Kaulitz."

I hear Alex slightly gasp, "really?! aw, you guys are awesome."

She places her arm over my shoulder and brings me in for a hug, "well i think it's perfect! how long had you been debating using my name as her middle name?" Alex asked.

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