Where Is He?!

362 17 19

30 minutes beforehand..

I groan in pain as Tom pulls up outside the hospital, he turns to me, "right, i'll help you in-"

"No, Tom! I can't move- AH!" I scream in pain, "go in and ask for Nurse Alex!"

I manage to get out before screaming out in pain once again.

Tom nods in panic before getting out of the car quickly and rushing towards the hospital entrance.

I close my eyes in pain, "AHH!"

I feel my door open beside me along with a calming voice, "hey sweetie."

I open my eyes and see Nurse Alex putting gloves on and smiling at me, "so wheres Bill?" She asks.

"i wish i knew, fuck!"

She sighs, "He better be here quick, because it looks like baby is going to be here within half an hour." She places her hands on my stomach and examines it, "can you move?"

I shake my head, "every time i do, it feels like someone's stabbing me."

"And that's completely normal with birth", She turns her head to the entrance, "GURNEY, NOW!"

A bunch of nurses rush out with a gurney and up to the car, they put the gurney near my door and stand around it waiting for me.

"Right sweetie, i need you to shuffle onto here so we can get you in the hospital."

"okay." i mummer under my breath.

I find strength to lift myself up off my seat and shuffle over to the gurney, i lay myself down and breathe in as tears fall down my face.

Tom stands beside the gurney holding my hand as the nurses walk into the hospital, "you're going to be okay, Bill is going to be here soon i promise. I'll be outside the room waiting."

"Oh sir", Alex chuckles, "she's got to have someone in the room with her until the husband gets here."



All the nurses help me onto the hospital bed, and luckily i get a room to myself.

I groan in pain as a nurse helps me get into a hospital gown.

"Right, Holly!" Nurse Alex says as she walks over with a blanket, "i need to check how close you are to birth, so let me just cover you.."

She places the blanket over my bottom half and sits down in a chair sat at the end of my bed, She scoots my legs up slightly and continues with her examination.

"okay sweetie", she pops her head up, "baby wants out now, so that's what we're going to do."

Alex stands up and walks to other nurses to put her scrubs on.

"what?! no, we have to wait for Bill!" I say on the verge of tears.

"If we keep baby in any longer, there will be complications", She sighs, "but i will try my best until Bill gets here, but if baby wants out, she's coming out!"

I sigh in relief, "thank you so much."

Alex walks back to the bed and sits in the seat again, she looks up at Tom who's standing next to me, "Sir-"

"My name is Tom." He says in a low tone.

"Tom, i need you to hold her leg up."

Tom chuckles, "great joke!"

Alex pulls a serious face at him as Tom's face drops, "What?! NO!"

"TOM! Just fucking do it!" I shout at him.

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