You Can't Tell Anyone.

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Tom piggybacks me up the stairs while Bill hobbled behind us. Tom puts me down and i help Bill up the rest of the stairs.

"i'm not that much of a cripple." Bill sulks.
I chuckle, "Whatever, you big baby."

I hold Bill's hand while we walk up to the bed. Bill sits down on the bed and sighs, "I can't wait to sleep."
"Same, my love." I stroke the side of his face with my hand. I turn to Tom, "Are you okay with where you're sleeping?"

"Duh, at least it's an actual mattress and not an air bed." He crosses his arms.
"but it's on the floor"
"Holly, it's a bed! i'll be fine." He chuckles and reassures me.

Then something in me activates, like a switch and i start crying.
"woah, it's really not that deep." Tom says concerned.
"baby, what's up?" Bill grabs my waist and pulls me close, placing his head on my stomach as he's sitting on the bed.

"i don't know." I wipe my eyes.
"what?" Tom and Bill say in unison.
"I don't know!" i say annoyed.

"are you on your period?" Bill looks up at me.
"No, it's still late, maybe i'm starting soon hence the mood swings." I mutter.

Bill grabs my top and pulls me into the middle of the bed, "Well i think we should watch something to cheer us all up." He places his head on his hand and looks down at me.

"Good idea!" Tom flops on the bed to the other side of me.
"i'm not watching stupid football." i cross my arms and sulk.

"Well what do you wanna watch?" Bill places his hand on my stomach.

I look at him and then Tom, "Keeping up with the Kardashian's."

They both groan in annoyance while i smile like a toddler and put the program on. Bill snuggles close to my chest and we start watching the tv.

TW⚠️: mention of sick.

11:24 pm

"Wait tell me again, who did she leave?" Tom asks me.

"Right, listen because i'm not explaining again",
I place my hand on Bill's face and start stroking it, as he's laying on my stomach and start explaining, "Kim went to marry some guy but left him at the alter now she's crying because she feels bad for him."

"Why did she agree to marry him if she left him..?"

"Tom, i'm not explaining it again." I put my hand to my forehead, "just watch it and figure it out."

He tuts and turns back to the tv. Me and Tom watch Kim cry and cry about how she feels so bad for leaving this guy.
what has my life come too??

Bill moves his head around suddenly, "just put the bread in the toaster."

I look at him confused then look at Tom, who's looking at me confused.
"what?" i say trying not to laugh.
No reply.
"Did he just sleep talk?" Tom laugh while he spoke.

I put my hand to my mouth and wheeze, "yup! i need to know what is going on in that dream for him to say something like that."

I laugh with Tom until a strange feeling builds up in my stomach.

I stop laughing and hold my stomach. oh shit.

"Holly, are you okay?"

I couldn't respond.
I scurry out of the bed, waking Bill up.

"huh? what's wrong?" I hear Bill say sleepily.

I rushed to my connected bathroom and kick open the door. I don't have time to turn on the light, i'll spew everywhere if i don't make it in time!

I crouch down to the toilet and open it. I spew up my guts. I hear Bill and Tom rush into the bathroom.

"oh god!" Bill rushes up to me and hold my hair back. He pats my back, comforting me.

I cough up the last parts, flush it and sit down next to the toilet.


"what, baby?" he rubs my knees.

"i think i'm pregnant."

His eyes widen and his face freezes, same with Tom's.
"i'm sorry" i start crying.
"no, no don't be! you don't actually know if you're pregnant yet." he awkwardly chuckles.
"shush! i don't want my dad hearing."

Bill stops and thinks, "wait is that shop down the road open?" he turns to Tom.
"duh, it's a 24 hour one." Tom says in a sassy tone, as always.

"Go buy a pregnancy test!"
"WHAT? You expect me to buy one?! i don't know which ones are which!" Tom panicked.
I chuckle and look at Tom, "look for a clear blue one."
He sighs, "fine, i'll try and find one."

"Be quiet and don't wake up my dad."
Tom leaves and Bill slouches next to me. He sighs heavily and lays his head on my shoulder.
"We should've have known this was going to happen."
"i know, baby." I rest my head onto of his, snuggling myself into his hair.

"so what are you going to do if you are pregnant?" He interlocks his fingers with mine giving me a sense of relief.

"i can't keep it, i'm too young, you're too young."
I cry out not being able to keep my emotions in.

The only sounds that illuminated the room are my cries and Bill's sniffles. I knew that this would hurt him as much as it's hurting me but we can't keep a baby.
We're stupid, jobless teens who can't even look after themselves.

Bill lifts his head off my shoulder. He places an arm over me and gently pushes me down onto his lap. I snuggle up to his slender legs and wait for Tom to come back.

"by the way, what were you dreaming about?" i mumble but loud enough for him to hear.
"Tom wasn't putting bread in the toaster properly or something like that, i don't remember that well"

"you sure that was a dream? because it sounds like something he'd do in real life."
I look up at him and chuckle, making Bill laugh.

"wait, why are you asking?" Bill stops laughing suddenly and his voice turns into a serious tone.
I giggle, "you were sleep talking!"

Bill puts his head in his hands in embarrassment, "did i?!"

"I found it adorable." I continue giggling making Bill even more embarrassed, because that's what girlfriends are for.

11:45 pm

who knew someone's legs could be so comfortable?? i swear i could fall asleep on Bill's legs.

But the quietness is too loud, i can't fall asleep.

The loudness of the quiet soon is broken by Tom bursting into the room with a bag in his hand.

"There were like ten different clear blue ones!" He says out of breath.
"Please tell me you got the digital one." I shoot my head up from Bill's lap. Tom looks at me and smiles, "It's your lucky day because i got the digital one."

I lean up and grab the bag from Tom's hand. I look at both of them before saying loudly, "uh, get out."

They both walk out leaving me alone with the silence. I open the box and stare at the stick.

"I wouldn't have thought i'd be doing this at my age" i say to myself.

I do what i need to do.

I place the stick on the counter and wait for what feels like the longest five minutes of my life.

i really hope the results won't changed mine and Bill's relationship, i love him to much for him to walk away.

fuck, i can't be a mum and Bill can't be a dad.

why did we have unprotected sex loads of times, what is wrong with us?!

I flip the stick over so i don't see the results. I open the bathroom door, i see a panicked Bill and an intrigued Tom.

"Well?" Bill says in a calm voice.

I take a deep breath in and turn the pregnancy test over...


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