Sleepless Nights

337 15 18

TW⚠️: Mentioning of Miscarriages

I can't sleep.

it doesn't matter what i do, i can't sleep.

I'm glad that Bill sleeps peacefully however, he just didn't seem right tonight.

and i'm convinced it wasn't the bro hug my brother gave him, although it did make him uncomfortable.

funny uncomfortable, though.

I quietly get up from Bill's chest making sure to not wake him up as i slowly make my way out the room.

I shut the door quietly and turn to the stairs, where i take a slow walk as i could risk waking everyone up.

I look down at my thumbs and twiddle with them as i walk into the kitchen.

I look up to expect a lonely kitchen but i jump at the sudden sight of my brother sitting down at the island counter drinking a beer.

"holy fuck, benny! what are you doing?! and why are you drinking beer? there's absolutely none in the house, dad promised."

Benny turns to me and scoffs, "you really think he'd change? there was a secret stash in the coffee cupboard. Also, what are you doing up? i thought lover boy might need you."

I cross my arms, "ha, very funny", i say unamused, "and i don't know why i'm up, i can't sleep i just keep tossing and turning. So, why are you up?"

"the american time zones are a lot different, right now it would be about midday back where i live." He says as he takes a sip of his beer.

"What state do you live in?" I question as i walk up and sit down next to him.

"California, and i love it over there. You should come visit! Alan wants to meet you."

I giggle, "i hope you haven't forgotten the fact i absolutely HATE flying."

"oh crap, yeah! i guess that's what happens when i don't see you for three years."

I scoff, "don't joke about that, i missed you like crazy."

"i'm sorry, but i had to go! after that god awful night, i just had to go", Benny places his thumb under my lip and examined it, "wow, that scar is still there, jesus."

"yup, it won't go down- ah." I grab my stomach as the same kicking sensation comes back but a lot more painful.

"Is everything okay, shorty?" Benny asked concerned.

I gasp softly, "yeah, the baby is kicking but it's a lot more painful than it has been."
"Do you want me to go get Bill?" Benny places his hand on my back and rubs it.

I sigh, "no, he needs the sleep." Then, a stabbing pain suddenly crashes into my stomach, "ah-fuck! Benny, something's wrong. fuck, i think i need to go to hospital."

Tears stream down my face due to the pain that runs throughout my body.

Benny panics, "should i go get Dad or Bill?!"

"get dad and stay home with Bill, hurry up Benny! It hurts, FUCK!" The pain worsen by the second, any slight move i make hurts it even more.

Benny quickly runs out the kitchen and up the stairs.

I grab my phone out of my pocket as i need to call someone, someone who i trust.

I shake as i go to my contacts, due to the pain and
place the phone up to my ear as it buzzes.




"yo holly, it's sort of the middle of the night."

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