𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭

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Above the door, a bronze bell no smaller than her fist chimed. It was a heinous thing, a small fish hanged within it that would hit the metal signalling the arrival of a customer or in her case, a jubilant employee.

Byun Nari teetered into the sushi restaurant, a crate weighed down heavily in her arms that she hiked further up her chest as she brushed past the reception podium and into the open planned floor. Flexing her fingers around the handle, Nari plopped the fresh crate of tuna onto one of the wooden tables, blowing a breath and draping her arm across the top.

"Special delivery!" she chimed. She could hear scuffling in the back of the kitchen before a man rounded between the metal door, a cloth in one hand and a sharp sashimi blade in the other.

"You're early today" he said. Nari raised a brow at her boss, Hwang Yang-jung. He was a tall, well-built man in his forties. Nari would always catch him in his uniform as he all by lived in the restaurant. Ink of all kinds tattooed across his body, his arms up to his shoulders and even his back. His hair was cropped short, jet black much like hers and time had begun to wither at his aged face. Yet his hands could still expertly gut a fish and wield a knife that no one could ever dare to master.

Now if you looked at Mr Hwang at face value, one would come to the immediate conclusion that he was undoubtably, very scary. But to Nari, he was a softie under all that glares and sneers. Yang-Jung would never admit that though, especially not to the ravenette he had grown a soft spot for.

"You know considering I'm your favourite and all, why am I still lugging around crates double my size" Nari huffed as Mr Hwang wiped his knife before placing it on the table. She heard a scoff from the kitchen, rolling her eyes in jest as she raised her voice in salute. "Morning to you too Mr Kwan" she heard a low chuckle before Mr Kwan, Mr Hwang's only other employee called back to her with a two-finger salute as she hovered over the door frame.

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