𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐀 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Sunlight filtered through the peaks of the curtains; warm rays illuminated a stirring Geon-woo who turned as his sleepy eyes gently fluttered open when he felt the comforting weight draped across his chest.

He smiled softly as the events of last night flashed through his mind. The confession, her lips, her hands, her. Byun Nari. Lord he was so encaptivated by her and here she lay, her arm draped across his waist, their legs entangled, and her head nestled below his chin, her ear pressed over the steady beat of his heart.

He had never felt so peaceful.

Soft breaths left her lips, her black hair cascading down her shoulders and haloing around the pillow. She was so pretty even in sleep. His hand lifted and as featherlike as he could, to not wake her, his thumb glided over her cheekbone before tucking a stray piece of hair behind the shell of her ear. His fingers caressed down her arm before settling on her waist.  

"Morning" she muttered, not moving an inch of which he smiled at. He seemed to do that a lot around her. Smiling. It suited him.

"Morning, I didn't mean to wake you'' he muttered as she gently shook her head.
"I was up" she drawled; voice soft with sleep. "You snore"

He glanced down at her offended. "I do not"

"You do'' she nodded, her eyes barley peeking open to press a kiss to his cheek before tugging the covers over her shoulder and snuggling deeper, his hands tightened on her waist as her hand rested on his toned chest. "It's okay, you're cute" she said and her eyes drifted shut again.

He merely scoffed but brushed it off with a small shove to her shoulder before he slid out of bed. Nari wanted to grumble, her fingers flexing as his warmth disappeared from under her.

"Will you be coming with us to the orphanage?" he asked, slipping his pants on as he tuned to her. Nari hummed in response.

"Words, Nari" he said, and a blush fitted across her cheek of which she buried herself deeper into the blanket to conceal. Last night he said those words in a completely different tone.

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