𝐱𝐱𝐯. 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦

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Nari let the door lock being her before turning down the corridor, veering left as she tried to get to them before Beom got to them first. She had turned another corner, a sudden chill running down her spine and the hairs at the back of her neck rose as a presence inched from behind.

Nari dropped to the floor as a bat careened past her head, narrowly missing her as it slammed into the pipeline to her left. She rolled back to her feet, turning around as a man, concealed behind a mask grunted before pulling his arm back.

"Holy shit dude that could've killed me!" Nari gaped as he swung again. She swerved back, the tip of the bat inches from her nose. "Oh god you are trying to kill me!" she yelped as he managed to land a swift kick to her leg. She crashed to one knee, barely having time to stand before his bat collided with her arm. A sickening crack echoed through the corridor and Nari cried out in pain, her right hand reaching to cradle her left as she collided with the floor.

''Where is the other bitch?" he hissed, crouching over her as he leaned on the handle.

"She's not interested" Nari spat before extending the baton and swiping at his feet. He was knocked off balance. Nari scrambled to her feet as he did, she slammed the baton clean across his face. His head whipped to the side, a loud grunt reaching her ears before she slammed it into his gut.

"This is not the way to win a lady's hand" Nari scolded as he rightened himself up and lunged towards her. Her foot moved back, her body folding as she ducked under his swing and managed to land an uppercut which caused him to stumble. "You're too old as well. It's weird man" Nari winced as she shook out her hand, the throbbing in her arm pulsing with every move she made.

''What are you even on about?" the man gritted out as he managed to tackle her into a pile of empty boxes.

Nari withheld a gasp as her back crashed into the boxes, dust falling over the two as she hit and clawed at his arms and back.

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