𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"Ma'am. Ma'am please return to bed"

The nurse's rather pitched and worrisome tone caught his attention first. Geon-woo rounded from behind the corner, drinks in either hand that he had picked up from a vending machine down the corridor for himself and Nari.  He had stepped outside for a bit, to get some air as the smell of the hospital had become nauseating and rather suffocating. He hated how many times him or his loved ones where confined here.

After the rescue at the fish farm, they had rushed Mr Oh and Nari to the hospital where Gang-yong was admitted and resting all the while. Woo-jin and Hyeon-ju were both currently talking to Min-Beom and Gang-yong (who was luckily alive and well. So was Han-gu and while Tae-yong was in a coma, she was alive none the less), Da-min had accompanied her grandfather and Geon-woo had to drag Nari to tend to her wounds despite her complaints. She never wanted to be back at a hospital but Geon-woo was adamant and she had no choice but to relent with a small, dejected pout on her lips as he all but carried her into the E.R.

"Miss I beg"

He slid the door open, and he wished he could've been surprised to find Nari standing, her hand wrapped around the IV drip as she pulled at the wire in her skin. Her hospital gown hung loosely over her frail shoulders, bandages peaking here and there and there was a gloss over her bruises- probably ointment cream. Her swelling around her eye died down to a purplish bruise and the blood was cleaned from her body while her hair had also returned to its natural shine. She was shrugging off the nurse who tried ushering her back to bed.


Nari straightened in shock at the sound of his voice. She hid her hand behind her back and the nurse turned to him in surprise as Nari plastered an innocent smile on her face.

"Hey, you're back" she drawled and glanced at the nurse at her side. "She was just...helping me to the bathroom" she trailed and shot the nurse a look. The nurse's eyes widened and her head bounced between the two, uncertain and weary with hands still outstretched mid coax.

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