𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬

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Nari had split from the trio not long after she was swept into the arms of Geon-woo and Woo-jin, who thanked her profusely, and earnestly. Crushing her in-between them they all but lifted her straight from the ground when they received the confirmation text from Hyeon-ju stating that she was willing to give them a second chance. Nari had soon left them to Hyeon-ju's care for the evening, much to the girl's dismay about spending an afternoon with them. She grew to further resent her friend when she was informed that she would be alone as Nari was bailing on her. The woman merely offered her a drink for her troubles.

But as Nari pulled up to the familial restaurant, the heavy feeling of finally confronting the two people she had been dreading to talk to, Nari wished she had taken up their offer to join them for lunch. But she was here, and they were waiting for her.

The brass fish bell chimed overhead, much more melancholy than the last, as she entered the restaurant. As usual, there was no one inside, save for the two men who were sat in a booth at the back corner opposite another with an untouched platter of sushi between them. Nari heaved a sigh, dread in her bones, before making her way towards them.

Yang-jung looked stoic as ever. His frown was prominent on his face, shoulders squared, and arms draped across his chest, but if you looked close enough flickers of what seemed to be pain or guilt flashed at uneven intervals as if thoughts danced and faded just as fast.

Opposite him, his counterpart looked every bit his inversion. Du-yeong, looked positively exhausted. His black hair was ruffled and unkept as if he'd run his hand though it one too many times. Heavy bags sagged beneath his eyes, drooping low with his head following swiftly after. She wondered when was the last time he slept. His hand was propped against his cheek, eyes fluttering occasionally but they didn't lift from a singular scratch on the wooden table. They looked awful, and it was all because of her.

"You guys look worse than how I feel" she said, announcing her presence. Yang-jung didn't flinch but she could detect his relief from the low breath he exhaled. Du-yeong however startled, his head slipping off his hand and slamming onto the table. He'd been an assassin, a remarkable one, but his fatigue and concern for the ravenette had put him on edge. She managed to startle him. Their heads turned at once and Du-yeong lept from his seat. Nari barely caught him as he flung his arms around her, and if she didn't know better, she would've called him out for crying.

"Nari, thank God" he cried as he cradled her to his chest. Her head barely peeked over his shoulder, her hands crawling to reach his back, as her fingers flexed uncomfortably. She was losing the ability to breathe. Sensing her distress, Yang-jung grunted lowly. ''Let her breathe Du-yeong" he said and Du-yeong loosened his koala grip on her but kept her close. She shot the sashimi bloodhound a thankful nod.

"You had us worried. We thought you were about to stand us up" Du-yeong said as he ushered her beside him in the booth.

"I thought about it but, then I remembered Mr Kwan probably prepped a kitchen load worth of sushi, I couldn't let it go to waste" she said lightly as Mr Kwan, who had a habit of stress cooking, froze in the doorway, another platter in hand that he was about to deliver to the table when he heard her remark. Yang-jung cracked a smile as Mr Kwan flushed and u-turned back to the kitchen.

"You hurt his feelings'' Yang-jung said while Nari chuckled softly.

" There's only so much sushi a person can take before they explode" she replied before they heard a loud voice shout you can never have too much sushi.

She slid into the booth beside Du-yeong, Yang-jung opposite her as untouched sushi laid before them, angled with chopsticks stilled at their sides.

Her smile faltered when Du-yeong placed his firm hand on her shoulder.

"Nari, we're so-" Du-yeong tried, breaking the ice but she was quick to raise her hand, his words dying on his tongue. His fingers flexed on her shoulder before returning to wring themselves under the table.

"Do not apologise" she said lowly. Yang-jung didn't say anything, merely stared at her with an odd look in his eyes. He never did express his emotions the way Du-yeong did. The other man's head was bowed as if he'd been given a scolding, his fingers toying with the skin around his nails, and he suddenly couldn't look her in the eyes.

"I know. I know you're sorry and that you did not wish to lie to me but you did. And I won't lie and say that it didn't destroy me. But the more I thought about it the more I realised that nothing would've changed had you told me. My mother won't come back and you would've still found a way to stay close. "she replied, Du-yeong's head lifted and something faltered in Yang-jung's expression. His lips pursed while he let her continue. 

"I know you were only following orders and I know deep down you both care. I just, I thought that. A part of me felt that maybe it was just duty that was driving you to look out for me, and I know, I know that's not true...not anymore" she quickly said when she saw Du-yeong's cracked demeanour. " I was just so hurt but I get it. You were only looking out for me and I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to be sorry for Nari" Du-yeong immediately interjected, his hand reaching for hers that he enclosed, wrapping his fingers around her trembling hand as it rested on the table top. "You do not have to apologise for anything. You had every right to be mad, to hate us. To want to never see us again. We broke your trust and believe me Nari, we, I, cannot bear for you to ever look at me like that again. We are truly sorry and we will spend our lives making up for it"

"Yang-jung" he suddenly called as Nari's eyes filled with tears. They both turned to Yang-jung who hadn't said a word, looking at him expectantly, Nari took a shuddering breath.

Yang-jung looked at her and conviction shined in his eyes. His words were a promise when he spoke to her. "No more lies. ".

A couple of days ago she would've said his words meant nothing to her but the way they looked at her, the way she could feel their guilt and sorrow, it was almost crushing. She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek and Du-yeong didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms. Her head found its spot in the nook of his shoulder while his arms held her closer to him in a comforting embrace. He whispered reassuring words and more apologies in her ear and when Nari felt a stiff, irregular, hesitant pat on her back, a new wave of remorse hit her.

They had a long way to go before she could fully trust them again, but they were her family. And she prioritised family above all else. So, she let them hold her as she cried, cradled between Du-yeong's  fatherly arms and comforted when Mr Kwan placed a bowl of noodles instead on the counter and slotted himself next to Yang-jung who had allowed Mr Kwan to takeover his soothing. They were the only people she had and she would fight like hell to protect them. 

I literally love them sm😭😭😭😭😭

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I literally love them sm😭😭😭😭😭

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