𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Nari angled petulantly before her bathroom sink. Her hands curled around the cool porcelain material and the small rectangular mirror hung above her nose on the mattered green tiled walls. Her knuckles had simmered to a light blush, her nose now rid of the bandage and the bruises had significantly reduced in swelling.

Nari hadn't visited the café in a few days. She didn't pick up calls from Du-yeong or Yang-jung and both had been on the brink of storming her apartment when she didn't show up to the restaurant. But Nari needed to clear her head. She needed to stop for a short moment and let reality sink in.

Kim Myeong-gil was back in town and stronger than ever. And he knew she wasn't going to let him go. So, he was going to let her come to him instead.

In all honesty Nari was absolutely terrified. She did not know how she landed in this predicament. A small part of her believed she should just hightail and run. Ignore it. Go back to her job at the restaurant, act like nothing happened and leave Geon-woo to fix things himself. But she was too much of a soft-hearted individual to see anyone else suffer the same fate she did. And it's not like her plan would work anyway. Not when she was now on Kim Myeong-gil's radar. He would surely track her down, her brother, her father. And who knows what he'll do to them if he does.

The only other option she had, was to fight.

Nari bowed her head in defeat, her body curling to the ground as her knees pulled to her chest. Nari wanted the ground to swallow her whole. No scratch that, Nari wanted her mother. She would've known what to do.

Nari dropped her head in her arms and let herself, for the first time since she lost her mother, cry.

She had never properly grieved for her mother, Jung Areum. Because soon after her death, everything blurred. The reds and blues of lights, the wailing of sirens, the earth-shattering scream of Byun In-su, the confused questions of her brother, the funeral, the yelling...the beating. Nari never shed a tear. She was too busy, too occupied with tending to her hebetudinous father and kid brother. She was too busy trying to keep her family together. But now, alone in the bathroom with the threat of history repeating itself. Nari cried for the mother that was ripped away from her. Her stupid, selfless, beautiful mother.

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